Malt bụ ọka ọka ọ bụla emere ka ọ pulite site n'itinye na mmiri wee kwụsị itolite n'ihu site na iji ikuku na-ekpo ọkụ ihicha, usoro a maara dị ka "malting". A na-eji ọka malted eme biya, whisky, mmiri ara ehi malted, mmanya malt, confection dị ka Maltesers na Whoppers, ihe ọṅụṅụ ndị na-esi ísì ụtọ dị ka Horlicks, Ovaltine, na Milo, na ụfọdụ ihe ndị a na-esi nri, dị ka ogbe achịcha malt, bagels, na biscuits bara ọgaranya. . A na-akpọ ọka malted nke a kụdara n'ime nri siri ike dị ka "nri dị ụtọ". [1][2]

Obere ọka bali a mịrị amị, a na-ahụ mkpụrụ osisi ndị na-acha ọcha
Ụdị biya malt sitere na Bamberg, Germany

Melting grain na-emepụta enzymes (α-amylase, β-amylase) achọrọ maka ịgbanwe starch nke mkpụrụ n'ụdị shuga dị iche iche, gụnyere monosaccharide glucose, disakacharide maltose, trisaccharide maltotriose, na shuga dị elu a na-akpọ maltodextrins. Ọ na-emepụta enzymes ndị ọzọ, dị ka proteases, nke na-ebibi protein dị na ọka n'ụdị nke yeast nwere ike iji. Ebe a na-akwụsị usoro malting na-emetụta ọnụ ọgụgụ starch na enzyme, na akụkụ ụfọdụ nke starch gbanwere na-aghọ shuga na-agbanye.

Malt nwekwara obere shuga ndị ọzọ, dị ka sucrose na fructose, nke na-abụghị ngwaahịa nke mgbanwe starch, mana nke dịlarị na ọka. A na-enweta ntughari ọzọ gaa na sugar fermentable n'oge usoro nhazi.

Barley a na-eme ka ọ dị mma

A na-etinye mkpụrụ ọka dị iche iche, ọ bụ ezie na ọka bali bụ nke a na-ahụkarị. Ụdị protein dị elu nke ọka bali a na-eme ka ọ bụrụ ihe e depụtara na ntụ ọka a gwakọtara agwakọta nke a na-ejikarị emepụta achịcha yeast na ihe ndị ọzọ a na-akpọ achịcha.[3]Okwu ahụ bụ "malt" na-ezo aka n'"Ọtụtụ" ngwaahịa nke usoro a: ọka nke a na-etinye usoro a, dịka ọmụmaatụ, ọka bali a na-eme ka ọ dị arọ; shuga, nke dị na maltose, nke sitere na ọka ndị dị otú ahụ, dị ka malt nke onye na-eme achịcha nke a na'ihe dị iche iche; otu malt whisky, nke a na na-akpọkarị "otu malt"; ma ọ bụ ngwaahịa dabere na mmiri ara ehi a na-emepụta, nke yiri mmiri ara ehi (ya bụ "malts").

Akụkọ ihe mere eme na ojiji ọdịnala

Samanu e ji pistachio chọọ ya mma

O yikarịrị ka a na-eji mkpụrụ ọka malt eme ihe dị ka ihe na-eme biya kemgbe oge ochie, dịka ọmụmaatụ na Ijipt (Nri ndị Ijipt oge ochie), Sumer, na China.

In Persian countries, a sweet paste made entirely from germinated wheat is called samanū (Àtụ:Lang-fa) in Iran, samanak (Àtụ:Lang-fa) in Afghanistan, (Àtụ:Lang-tg); (Àtụ:Lang-uz-Latn) or sümölök (Àtụ:Lang-ky), which is prepared for Nowruz (Persian new year celebration) in a large pot (like a <i id="mwaA">kazan</i>). A plate or bowl of samanu is a traditional component of the Haft sin table symbolising affluence. Traditionally, women have a special party to prepare it during the night, and cook it from late in the evening until the daylight, singing related songs. In Tajikistan and Afghanistan, they sing: Samanak dar Jūsh u mā Kafcha zanēm – Dīgarān dar Khwāb u mā Dafcha zanēm[4][5] (meaning: "Samanak is boiling and we are stirring it, others are asleep and we are playing daf"). In modern times, making samanu can be a family gathering. It originally comes from the Great Persian Empire.[Tinye edensibịa][citation needed]

Mämmi, ma ọ bụ Ista Porridge, bụ nri Lenten omenala Finnish. Esie ya site na rye malt na ntụ ọka, mämmi nwere ezigbo myiri (na nhazi, agba na uto) ka samanū. Taa, ngwaahịa a dị na ụlọ ahịa site na February ruo Ista. Nnyocha e mere (na-abụghị ndị nnọchiteanya) na 2013 gosiri na ọ fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ na ọ dịghị onye na-esi nri mämmi n'ụlọ na Finland nke oge a.. [6]


A na-agbasa ọka bali n'ala nke ụlọ malt n'oge usoro malting ọdịnala.

Malting bụ usoro nke ịgbanwe ọka bali ma ọ bụ ọka ọka ndị ọzọ ka ọ bụrụ malt maka iji ya mee ihe na ịṅụ mmanya, distiling, ma ọ bụ nri, ma na-ewere ọnọdụ na maltings, mgbe ụfọdụ a na-akpọ malthouse, ma ọ dị n'ala malting. A na-agbasa ọka ahụ n'ala malting n'ime 4 + 1⁄2 sentimita) omimi.[7] 

Ịkpọ nkụ
Usoro malting na-amalite site n'ịkpọcha ọka ahụ ruo n'okpuru 14% wee chekwaa ihe dị ka izu isii iji merie ụra mkpụrụ.
Ịga ije
Mgbe a kwadebere ya, a na-etinye ọka ahụ n'ime mmiri ugboro abụọ ma ọ bụ atọ maka ụbọchị abụọ ma ọ dị atọ iji mee ka ọka ahụ na-amị mmiri ma malite itolite.
Mgbe ọka ahụ nwere mmiri dị n'ihe dị ka 46%, a na-ebufe ya na ala malting ma ọ bụ germination, ebe a na-atụgharị ya mgbe niile ruo ihe dị ka ụbọchị anọ ruo isii mgbe ikuku na-akpọnwụ.[8]
Tupu ịṅụbiga mmanya ókè
A na-akpọnwụ ọka ahụ n'oge a, nke a na-akpọ "malt na-acha akwụkwọ ndụ akwụkwọ ndụ", ma sie ya n'ọkụ (ma ọ bụ ite ọkụ) ruo na agba na nkọwa achọrọ.[9] Malts dị iche iche na-acha site na ezigbo ntụpọ site na kristal na amber ruo chocolate ma ọ bụ malts ojii.[10]
Ịṅụ sịga
A na-akpọnwụkwa ọka ahụ gbasiri ike ma na-ese ya site n'ịgbasa ya n'ala osisi. A na-eji anwụrụ ọkụ na-esi n'ọkụ na-esi na ọkụ (site na ọwa anwụrụ ọkụ) eme ihe iji kpoo ala osisi na ọka ndị na-eto eto. Okpomọkụ na-adịkarị gburugburu 55 .

"A "maltings" na-abụkarị ogologo ụlọ nwere otu ọnụ ụlọ nwere ala nke na-esi na nsọtụ ụlọ ahụ ruo na nke ọzọ. A malitere ikpochapụ malts nke ala na 1940s maka ihu ọma "osisi pneumatic", ebe a na-eji nnukwu ndị na-akwado ụlọ ọrụ na-afụ ikuku site na akwa ọka na-eto eto ma na-ebufe ikuku na-ekpo ọkụ site na malt na-ekpo ọkụ. Dị ka maltings n'ala, osisi pneumatic ndị a na-eji usoro nhazi, ma nke dị ukwuu karịa, ọ na-abụkarị 100-ton batches ma e jiri ya tụnyere 20-ton batches floor maltings.

Ka ọ na-erule afọ 2014, ọrụ malting kachasị ukwuu n'ụwa bụ Malteurop, nke na-arụ ọrụ na mba iri na anọ.[11]



Barley bụ ọka a na-agbazekarị, n'otu akụkụ n'ihi nnukwu ọdịnaya nke enzymes, ọ bụ ezie na a na-ejikwa ọka wit, rye, oat, osikapa, na ọka.[16] Ihe dịkwa ezigbo mkpa bụ njigide nke igbe ọka, ọ bụrụgodị na a zọchachara ya, n'adịghị ka mkpụrụ nke ọka wit ma ọ bụ rye a zọchapụrụ akpụ. Nke a na-echebe acrospire na-eto eto (embrayo osisi na-eto eto) ka ọ ghara imebi n'oge malting, nke nwere ike iduga n'ụzọ dị mfe na-eto eto; ọ na-enye ohere ka ihie ọka tụgharịrị mepụta akwa nzacha n'oge ịsa akwa.

Diastatic na nondiastatic


Ka mkpụrụ osisi niile na-epulite, enzymes eke dị n'ime ọka na-akụda starch nke ọka a na-eme ka ọ bụrụ shuga dị mfe, nke na-atọ ụtọ ma dị mfe maka yist iji dị ka nri. Malt nwere enzymes na-arụ ọrụ ka a na-akpọ "diastatic malt". Malt nwere enzymes na-adịghị arụ ọrụ ka a na-akpọ "nondiastatic malt". A na-emenyụ enzymes ndị ahụ site na kpo oku malt.

Ntọala na nka


A na-ekewa malt n'ụdị abụọ site n'aka ndị na-aṅụ mmanya: malt na malt pụrụ iche.

Melt nwere ike zuru ezu iji gbanwee starch nke ha na mgbe niile, nke ụfọdụ starch site na ọka na-enweghị malt, nke a na-akpọ adjunts.

Melt pụrụ iche nwere obere ike diastatic, mana ọ na-enye ụtọ, ụcha, ma ọ bụ "ahụ" (viscosity) na biya a rụchara. A na-etinye caramel pụrụ iche ma ọ bụ crystal malts n'okpuru ọgwụgwọ okpomọkụ iji gbanwee starch ha ka ha bụrụ shuga na-abụghị nke enzyme.   [citation needed] N'ime ụdị ndị a bụ ụdị dịgasị iche iche nke a na-ahụkarị site na okpomọkụ ọkụ.

Ahịrị abụọ na ahịrị isii


Na mgbakwunye, a na-amata malts ọka bali site na ụdị abụọ dị mkpa nke ọka bali eji eme malting, ahịrị abụọ, na ahịrị isii.[12]

Melt e wepụtara

Home brewing malt extracts: mmiri dị n'ime ite (n'aka ekpe) na spray-dried (n' aka nri)
Barley malt syrup (LME) na-eji nwayọọ nwayọọ agbakwunye na ntụ ọka na ntụziaka bagel

Malt extract, nke a makwaara dị ka ihe na-esi na malt apụta, bụ ihe na-atọ ụtọ, nke yiri treacle nke a na-eji eme ihe dị ka Ihe mgbakwunye nri. [13] Ọ na-ewu ewu na ọkara mbụ nke narị afọ nke 20 dị ka ihe na-eme ka nri na-edozi ahụ maka ụmụ nke ndị ọrụ obodo ukwu Britain, ndị nri ha na-enwekarị vitamin na mineral. E nyere ụmụaka Mmanụ imeju cod n'ihi otu ihe ahụ, mana ọ gosipụtara na ọ bụ ihe na-adịghị mma nke na a jikọtara ya na ihe a na-ewepụta na malt iji mepụta "Malt na Cod-Liver Oil".

Ntuziaka nke British Pharmaceutical Codex' nke 1907 maka ime ihe na-edozi ahụ nke malt anaghị agụnye mashout na njedebe nke mwepụta ma gụnye iji okpomọkụ mash dị ala karịa ka ọ dị na usoro biya nke oge a. Codex na-egosi na a ga-echekwa ọrụ diastatic site na iji okpomọkụ na-agafeghị 55 .

Mmepụta nke malt


Malt extract is frequently used in the brewing of beer. Its production begins by germinating barley grain in a process known as malting, immersing barley in water to encourage the grain to sprout, then drying it to halt the progress when the sprouting begins. The drying step stops the sprouting, but the enzymes remain active due to the low temperatures used in base malt production.[14] In one before-and-after comparison, malting decreased barley's extractable starch content by about 7% on a dry matter basis and turned that portion into various other carbohydrates.[15]

1897 Pabst Malt Extract adreesị

Na nzọụkwụ na-esote, ndị na-eme mmanya na-eji usoro a na-akpọ mashing iji wepụ shuga. Ndị na-aṅụ mmanya na-ekpo ọkụ na-agbaji malt n'ime mmiri na-agbanwe agbanwe, na-eme ka enzymes, nke na-ekewa ihe ndị fọdụrụ na malt n'ụdị shuga dị iche iche, nke kachasị n'ime ya bụ maltose. [16][15] Omume ịcha biya nke oge a na-agụnye okpomọkụ dị elu na mash-out iji mee ka enzymes fọdụrụ ghara ịrụ ọrụ, ya mere ọ bụghịzi diastatic. A na-etinye mmiri a na-emepụta site na nke a, wort, site na iji okpomọkụ ma ọ bụ usoro ikuku iji mee ka mmiri si na ngwakọta ahụ pụọ.[13] A na-akpọ ihe a na-etinye n'ime ya ihe a na'ime ya malt.

Ụdị ihe ndị a na-ewepụta n'ime ite


Ndị na-emepụta mmanya na-eji ụdị malt abụọ eme ihe: mmiri malt extract (LME), nke nwere ihe dị ka 20% mmiri, na mmiri malt kpọrọ nkụ (DME), nke mmiri gwụrụ ruo 2% mmiri. LME bụ sirup siri ike nke na-enyekarị ụtọ dị mma karịa ibe ya, ebe DME na-enye nkwekọrịta ka mma na agba. Mgbe ị na-eji nnukwu ihe a na-ewepụta, a na-ejikarị LME eme ihe n'ihi ikike ya ịgbaze na okpomọkụ na-esi ísì, ebe DME nwere ike ịba ụba ma sie ike ime ka ọ bụrụ mmiri. Otú ọ dị, ndị na-akwado DME, na-enwe ogologo ndụ ya.[17] A na-erekwa LME n'ime ite dị ka ngwaahịa ndị ahịa.

Nkà na ụzụ encapsulating ọhụrụ na-enye ohere mmepụta nke Mkpụrụ osisi malt. Usoro a na-akpọnwụ ma na-ekpuchi ihe ndị na-atọ ụtọ n'ime wort mbụ anaghị emebi n'oge nchekwa ma ọ bụ njem, na-agbatị ndụ dị elu, ma na-ebelata uzuzu mgbe a na-ejikwa ya. Usoro ọhụrụ a nwere ike inye ohere maka mmepụta dị n'etiti na nke a na-eme ka ọ dị mma karịa ihe a ga-akwadebe na ụlọ ọrụ biya ọ bụla.[18]



Ndị ọkà mmụta sayensị na-achọ ịchọpụta ihe na-eme n'ime ọka bali ka ha na-aghọ malt iji nyere ndị na-azụ osisi aka mepụta ọka bali ka mma maka nri na ihe ọṅụṅụ. Ndị ọkà mmụta sayensị nke United States Agricultural Research Service nwere mmasị na enzymes pụrụ iche a na-akpọ serine-class proteases nke na-agbari beta-amylases, nke na-eme ka carbohydrates ghọọ "sugar dị mfe" n'oge usoro ntolite. [19][20] Enzyme ahụ na-agbanyekwa protein echekwara n'ime amino acid ha. Nkwado nke protein na carbohydrates nke enzyme mebiri na-emetụta ụtọ malt.

Melt nke jupụtara na enzyme


Enzyme-rich malt extract (ERME) bụ ụdị pụrụ iche nke barley malt extract, nke Ateria Health na-ere ), nke a kwadebere iji mee ka amylase na glucanase enzymes dị na ọka.[21] Na mbụ, e mere nnyocha dị ka Ihe mgbakwunye nri nke ịnyịnya, nyocha nyocha nke iji ERME dị ka ihe ntinye nri mmadụ atụwo aro na ọ nwere ike imeziwanye mgbaàmà nke Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) na afọ ọsịsa na-adịghị ala, n'ihi ụzọ o si mebie carbohydrates na obere eriri afọ nke a chọpụtara na IBS ga-egbochi.[22][23][24][25] Otú ọ dị, a na-aga n'ihu na nyocha iji gosipụta njikọ a n'ụzọ zuru ezu.[26]




  • Mmanụ aṅụ
  • Ihe ọṅụṅụ malt
  • Malta (ihe ọṅụṅụ dị nro)
  • Redio Malt
  • Achịcha e mepụtara
  • Ahịhịa ọka

Ebem si dee

  1. Horace Kephart (1922). Our southern highlanders, eBook, New York: The Macmillan Company. Retrieved on 10 April 2011. “The sprouted corn is then dried and ground into meal. This sweet meal is then made into a mush with boiling water, and is let stand two or three days.” 
  2. Mills, Margaret H. (2003). South Asian folklore: an encyclopedia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-93919-4. Retrieved on 10 April 2011. “The grain's own conversion of stored starch to sugar while sprouting ('malting') results in a sweet meal, which is then cooked for hours with water, oil, and additional wheat flour.” 
  3. Evers, A. D. (1994). Technology of cereals: an introduction for students of food science and agriculture. New York: Pergamon Press. ISBN 0-08-040834-6. Retrieved on 7 July 2010. 
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  6. "How to tame your mämmi? Porridge and Potatoes
  7. Malting –
  8. UK Malt, the Maltsters' Association of Great Britain | How malt is made. Retrieved on 24 February 2019.
  9. How Malt is Made. Archived from the original on 17 July 2011. Retrieved on 26 March 2011.
  10. Michael Lewis (31 October 2002). Brewing. Springer, 2002. ISBN 9780306472749. Retrieved on 26 March 2011. 
  11. "Bad barley crop probably won't affect beer prices", Frederick News-Post, 4 January 2015.
  12. "Two-Row vs Six-Row Barley". Zymurgy, 1 May 2013, American Homebrewers Association. Retrieved 7 October 2020
  13. 13.0 13.1 (1907) British pharmaceutical codex. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 401–404. Retrieved on 28 March 2011. “The extract is given to children and adults for its nutritive properties. ... Extract of malt is used as a vehicle for the administration of cod-liver oil (see Extractum Malti cum Oleo Morrhuae), ...” 
  14. Joseph La Villa (2010). The Wine, Beer, and Spirits Handbook: A Guide to Styles and Service. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. ISBN 978-0-470-53757-2. Retrieved on 30 March 2011. “The base malt in any brewing process is called pale malt. It is dried at around Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Convert/data' not found.. Specialty malts are made either by heating the barley before it is dry or by roasting the dried malt.” 
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