Global Footprint Network
Oge/afọ mmalite | 2003 |
onye hiwere | Mathis Wackernagel |
mba/obodo | Njikota Obodo Amerika |
legal form | 501(c)(3) organization |
ọdịdị isi ụlọ ọrụ | Oakland |
webụsaịtị |,, |
E hiwere Global Footprint Network na 2003 ma bụrụkwa ụlọ ọrụ na-eche echiche nke onwe ya nke dị na United States, Belgium na Switzerland. E guzobere ya dị ka òtù ọrụ ebere na-abụghị maka uru na nke ọ bụla n'ime mba atọ ahụ. Ebumnuche ya bụ ịzụlite ma kwalite ngwaọrụ maka ịkwalite nkwado, gụnyere akara gburugburu ebe obibi na ikike ndụ, nke na-atụle ọnụọgụ nke ihe onwunwe anyị na-eji na oke anyị nwere. Ngwá ọrụ ndị a na-ezube iwebata oke gburugburu ebe obibi n'etiti mkpebi.
dezieIhe mgbaru ọsọ nke Global Footprint Network bụ ịmepụta ọdịnihu ebe ụmụ mmadụ niile nwere ike ibi nke ọma, n'ime otu mbara ala Ụwa. Isi ụlọ ọrụ ahụ dị na Oakland, California. Network ahụ na-achịkọta ihe karịrị òtù ndị mmekọ 70, gụnyere WWF International, ICLEI, Bank Sarasin, The Pictet Group, New Economics Foundation, Pronatura México, na Environment Agency Abu Dhabi.[1]
Akụkọ nke Mba na Biocapacity
dezieKwa afọ, Global Footprint Network mepụtara mbipụta ọhụrụ nke National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts, nke na-agbakọ Ecological Footprint na biocapacity nke ihe karịrị mba 200 na mpaghara site na 1961 ruo ugbu a.[2] Dabere na ihe ruru 15,000 data kwa mba kwa afọ, ejirila data ndị a mee ihe iji metụta iwu na ihe karịrị mba iri na abụọ, gụnyere Ecuador, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Russia, Switzerland, na United Arab Emirates. Kemgbe 2019, a na-emepụta National Footprint na Biocapacity Accounts na mmekorita n'etiti Global Footprint Network, Mahadum York, na Footprint Data Foundation.[3][4]
Mbipụta 2022 nke National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts na-ekpuchi 1961-2018 (ihe ọmụma UN kachasị ọhụrụ dị), ma tinye data sitere na Food and Agriculture Organization, nchekwa data UN Comtrade, International Energy Agency, na ihe karịrị isi mmalite 20 ndị ọzọ.[5]
Onye Nnyocha nke Mpaghara Okike
dezieN'ọnwa Eprel 2017, Global Footprint Network malitere Ecological Footprint Explorer, ikpo okwu data mepere emepe maka National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts.[6][7] Ebe nrụọrụ weebụ ahụ na-enye nsonaazụ akara gburugburu ebe obibi maka ihe karịrị mba na mpaghara 200, ma na-agba ndị nchọpụta, ndị nyocha, na ndị na-eme mkpebi ume ịhụ ma budata data.
Ụbọchị Ugboro Ugboro
dezieN'oge gara aga, nke a maara dị ka Ụbọchị Ụgwọ Okike, Ụbọchị Overshoot nke Ụwa bụ ụbọchị ụmụ mmadụ gwụrụ mmefu ego okike maka afọ ahụ. N'ime afọ ndị ọzọ, ọha mmadụ na-arụ ọrụ na gburugburu ebe obibi site n'ịdọrọ ihe onwunwe mpaghara na ịnakọta carbon dioxide na ikuku. Ụbọchị mbụ nke Earth Overshoot bụ na Disemba 19, 1987.[8] N'afọ 2014, Ụbọchị Overshoot nke Ụwa bụ August 19.[9] Ụbọchị Earth Overshoot na 2015 bụ n'August 13 na n'August 8 na 2016.[10][11] N'afọ 2017, Earth Overshoot Day rutere n'ụbọchị nke abụọ n'ọnwa Ọgọstụ, na 2020 n'ụbọchị iri abụọ na abụọ n'ụbọchị.
dezieN'afọ 2003, Mathis Wackernagel, PhD, na Susan Burns guzobere Global Footprint Network, ụlọ ọrụ na-eche echiche nke mba ụwa nke nwere isi na Oakland, California, nwere ọfịs na Geneva na Brussels. Wackernagel natara nzere doctorate na Disemba 2007 site na Mahadum Bern na Switzerland.
dezie- Onye guzobere na Onye isi oche: Dr. Mathis Wackernagel
- Onye guzobere: Susan Burns
- Onye isi ọrụ: Laurel Hanscom
- Onye isi sayensị: Dr. David Lin
- Onye nduzi, Ahịa na nkwukọrịta: Amanda Diep
- Onye nduzi, mpaghara Mediterenian na MENA: Dr. Alessandro Galli
- Onye isi oche: Keith Tuffley
- Onye isi oche nsọpụrụ: onye ọchụnta ego Switzerland na onye na-etinye ego André Hoffmann
Onyinye na nsọpụrụ
dezie- Ihe nrite World Sustainability 2018[12]
- International Association for Impact Assessment's Global Environment Award 2015
- RECYCLAPOLIS National Sustainability Award 2015
- ISSP Sustainability Hall of Fame Inductees Susan Burns na Mathis Wackernagel 2014
- Ihe nrite Nature Swisscanto 2013
- Global Footprint Network bụ otu n'ime 100 NGO kachasị elu n'ụwa niile site na Global Journal na 2012 na 2013.[13][14]
- Ihe nrite Blue Planet 2012[15]
- Ihe nrite Boulding 2012[16]
- Ihe nrite Njikọ 2012
dezie- Mmetụta gburugburu ebe obibi
- Ikike ibu
- Ọnụ ọgụgụ mmadụ
- Ọnụ ọgụgụ mmadụ karịrị akarị
- Ntọala Ọhụrụ nke Akụnụba
- Ọganihu na-adịgide adịgide
Nkwupụta na ọgụgụ ọzọ
dezie- ↑ Partner Network - Global Footprint Network. Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ NFA 2017 Edition - dataset by footprint. Archived from the original on 2021-05-16. Retrieved on 2023-08-13.
- ↑ The Ecological Footprint Initiative. Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ FoDaFo wants a future where all can thrive within the means of our one Earth.. Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ Data and Methodology - Global Footprint Network.
- ↑ Open Data Platform. Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ Ecological Footprint Explorer Open Data Platform Launches April 5, 2017
- ↑ "In the Eco-Red." New Scientist 192.2573 (Oct. 2006): 7. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 20 Oct. 2009.
- ↑ Earth's resources in "ecological deficit" for rest of 2014 (en-US). Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ Today is Earth Overshoot Day and that's worrying, The Hindu, dated August 13, 2015.
- ↑ We've Already Used Up Earth's Resources For 2016 — And It's Only August
- ↑ About Us - Global Footprint Network. Retrieved on 2021-07-30.
- ↑ #97 - Global Footprint Network | The Global Journal. Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ Special Feature: The Top 100 NGOs 2013 Edition
- ↑ About the Blue Planet Prize | Blue Planet Prize (en). The Asahi Glass Foundation. Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
- ↑ ISEE 2012 in RIO (en-US). The International Society for Ecological Economics (2012-01-26). Retrieved on 2022-01-24.
Njikọ mpụga
dezie- Global Footprint Network official website
- Global Footprint Network's Ecological Footprint Explorer
- Earth Overshoot Day official website