Àtụ:CalendarNa Gregorian calender na Julian, Eprel bu onwa nke anọ na afo. Ọ bụ nke mbụ n'ime ọnwa anọ iji nwee ogologo ụbọchị iri atọ, na nke abụọ n'ime ọnwa ise ka ogologo ya na-erughị ụbọchị 31.

Önwa ànó

A na-ejikọta Eprel na oge opupu ihe ubi na Northern Hemisphere, yana mgbụsị akwụkwọ na Southern Hemisphere, ebe ọ bụ oge oge ya na October na Northern Hemisphere na ntụgharị ihu.

[1].[2]Ndị Rom nyere ọnwa a aha Latin Aprilis[1] mana ewepụtara aha a ejighị n'aka. Usoro ọdịnala sitere na ngwaa aperire, "imeghe", na-egosi na ọ bụ oge mgbe osisi na okooko osisi na-amalite "imeghe", nke a na-akwado site na iji Grik ọgbara ọhụrụ nke άνοιξη (ánixi) (emeghe) maka. mmiri. Ebe ọ bụ na e kpọrọ ụfọdụ ọnwa ndị Rom aha maka nsọpụrụ chi, nakwa dị ka April dị nsọ nye chi nwanyị Venus, a na-eme Veneralia ya n’ụbọchị mbụ, a na-atụ aro na Aprilis bụ ọnwa mbụ ya bụ Aphrilis, nke sitere na aha chi nwanyị Gris ya na ya bụ. Aphrodite (Aphros), ma ọ bụ site na Etruscan aha Apru. Jacob Grimm na-atụ aro aha chi ma ọ bụ dike, Aper ma ọ bụ Aprus.[2]

Na China, ala ala na-akọ ugbo n'ụzọ ihe atụ site n'aka eze ukwu na ndị isi ọbara mere n'ọnwa nke atọ ha, nke na-adaba na Eprel. N'asụsụ Finnish, Eprel bụ huhtikuu, nke pụtara ọnwa na-ere ọkụ, mgbe a na-egbute gymnosperms maka ịpịa na ịgba ala ugbo ọkụ.

N'asụsụ Slovene, aha ọdịnala a ma ama bụ mali traven, nke pụtara ọnwa mgbe osisi malitere itolite. E dere ya na 1466 na ihe odide Škofja Loka.[3]

United States Afọ nri

  • Ọnwa Tomato Ọhụrụ nke Florida
  • Ọnwa Nri Mba
  • Ọnwa Cheese e siri esi nke Mba
  • Ọnwa Pecan nke Mba
  • Ọnwa Pretzel Dị Nro nke Mba
  • Ọnwa Soya nke Mba
  • April 1
    • April Fools' Day
    • Arbor Day (Tanzania)
    • Civil Service Day (Thailand)
    • Cyprus National Day (Cyprus)
    • Edible Book Day
    • Fossil Fools Day
    • Kha b-Nisan (Assyrian people)
    • National Civil Service Day (Thailand)
    • Odisha Day (Odisha, India)
    • Start of Testicular Cancer Awareness week (United States), April 1–7
    • Season for Nonviolence January 30 – April 4
  • April 2
    • International Children's Book Day (International observance)
    • Malvinas Day (Argentina)
    • National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (United States)
    • Thai Heritage Conservation Day (Thailand)
    • Unity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus Day (Belarus)
    • World Autism Awareness Day (International observance)
  • April 3
  • April 4
    • Children's Day (Hong Kong, Taiwan)
    • Independence Day (Senegal)
    • International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
    • Peace Day (Angola)
  • April 5
    • Children's Day (Palestinian territories)
    • National Caramel Day (United States)
    • Sikmogil (South Korea)
  • April 6
    • Chakri Day (Thailand)
    • National Beer Day (United Kingdom)
    • New Beer's Eve (United States)
    • Tartan Day (United States & Canada)
  • April 7
    • Flag Day (Slovenia)
    • Genocide Memorial Day (Rwanda), and its related observance:
      • International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Rwanda Genocide (United Nations)
    • Motherhood and Beauty Day (Armenia)
    • National Beer Day (United States)
    • No Housework Day
    • Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume Day (Tanzania)
    • Women's Day (Mozambique)
    • World Health Day (International observance)
  • April 8
    • Buddha's Birthday (Japan only, other countries follow different calendars)
    • Feast of the First Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
    • International Romani Day (International observance)
    • Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day
  • April 9
    • Anniversary of the German Invasion of Denmark (Denmark)
    • Baghdad Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
    • Constitution Day (Kosovo)
    • Day of National Unity (Georgia)
    • Day of the Finnish Language (Finland)
    • Day of Valor or Araw ng Kagitingan (Philippines)
    • Feast of the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
    • International Banshtai Tsai Day
    • Martyr's Day (Tunisia)
    • National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (United States)
    • Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (The Troth)
    • Vimy Ridge Day (Canada)
  • April 10
    • Day of the Builder (Azerbaijan)
    • Feast of the Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
    • Siblings Day (International observance)
  • April 11
    • Juan Santamaría Day, anniversary of his death in the Second Battle of Rivas. (Costa Rica)
    • International Louie Louie Day
    • National Cheese Fondue Day (United States)
    • World Parkinson's Day
  • April 12
    • Children's Day (Bolivia and Haiti)
    • Commemoration of first human in space by Yuri Gagarin:
      • Cosmonautics Day (Russia)
      • International Day of Human Space Flight
      • Yuri's Night (International observance)
    • Halifax Day (North Carolina)
    • National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day (United States)
    • National Redemption Day (Liberia)
    • Walk on Your Wild Side Day
  • April 13
    • Jefferson's Birthday (United States)
    • Katyn Memorial Day (Poland)
    • Teacher's Day (Ecuador)
    • First day of Thingyan (Myanmar) (April 13–16)
    • Unfairly Prosecuted Persons Day (Slovakia)
  • April 14
    • ʔabusibaree (Okinawa Islands, Japan)
    • Ambedkar Jayanti (India)
    • Black Day (South Korea)
    • Commemoration of Anfal Genocide Against the Kurds (Iraqi Kurdistan)
    • Dhivehi Language Day (Maldives)
    • Day of Mologa (Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia)
    • Day of the Georgian language (Georgia (country))
    • Season of Emancipation (April 14 to August 23) (Barbados)
    • N'Ko Alphabet Day (Mande speakers)
    • Pohela Boishakh (Bangladesh)
    • Pana Sankranti (Odisha, India)
    • Puthandu (Tamils) (India, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka)
    • Second day of Songkran (Thailand) (Thailand)
    • Pan American Day (several countries in the Americas)
    • The first day of Takayama Spring Festival (Takayama, Gifu, Japan)
    • Vaisakh (Punjab (region)), (India and Pakistan)
    • Youth Day (Angola)
  • April 15
    • Day of the Sun (North Korea).[4]
    • Hillsborough Disaster Memorial (Liverpool, England)
    • Jackie Robinson Day (United States)
    • Pohela Boishakh (West Bengal, India) (Note: celebrated on April 14 in Bangladesh)
    • Last day of Songkran (Thailand) (Thailand)
    • Tax Day, the official deadline for filing an individual tax return (or requesting an extension). (United States, Philippines)
    • Universal Day of Culture
    • World Art Day
  • April 16
    • Birthday of José de Diego (Puerto Rico, United States)
    • Birthday of Queen Margrethe II (Denmark)
    • Emancipation Day (Washington, D.C., United States)
    • Foursquare Day (International observance)
    • Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust (Hungary)
    • National Healthcare Decisions Day (United States)
    • Remembrance of Chemical Attack on Balisan and Sheikh Wasan (Iraqi Kurdistan)
    • World Voice Day
  • April 17
    • Blah Blah Blah Day
    • Evacuation Day (Syria)
    • FAO Day (Iraq)
    • Flag Day (American Samoa)
    • Malbec World Day
    • National Cheeseball Day (United States)
    • National Espresso Day (Italy)
    • Women's Day (Gabon)
    • World Hemophilia Day
  • April 18
    • Anniversary of the Victory over the Teutonic Knights in the Battle of the Ice, 1242 (Russia)
    • Army Day (Iran)
    • Coma Patients' Day (Poland)
    • Friend's Day (Brazil)
    • Independence Day (Zimbabwe)
    • International Day For Monuments and Sites
    • Invention Day (Japan)
    • Pet Owner's Independence Day
  • April 19
    • Army Day (Brazil)
    • Beginning of the Independence Movement (Venezuela)
    • Bicycle Day
    • Dutch-American Friendship Day (United States)
    • Holocaust Remembrance Day (Poland)
    • Indian Day (Brazil)
    • King Mswati III's birthday (Eswatini)
    • Landing of the 33 Patriots Day (Uruguay)
    • National Garlic Day (United States)
    • National Rice Ball Day (United States)
    • Primrose Day (United Kingdom)
  • April 20
    • 420 (cannabis culture) (International)
    • UN Chinese Language Day (United Nations)
  • April 21
    • A&M Day (Texas A&M University)
    • Civil Service Day (India)
    • Day of Local Self-Government (Russia)
    • Grounation Day (Rastafari movement)
    • Heroic Defense of Veracruz (Mexico)
    • Kang Pan-sok's Birthday (North Korea)
    • Kartini Day (Indonesia)
    • Local Self Government Day (Russia)
    • National Tree Planting Day (Kenya)
    • San Jacinto Day (Texas)
    • Queen's Official Birthday (Falkland Islands)
    • Tiradentes' Day (Brazil)
    • Vietnam Book Day (Vietnam)
  • April 22
    • Discovery Day (Brazil)
    • Earth Day (International observance) and its related observance:
      • International Mother Earth Day
    • Holocaust Remembrance Day (Serbia)
    • National Jelly Bean Day (United States)
  • April 23
    • Castile and León Day (Castile and León, Spain)
    • German Beer Day (Germany)
    • Independence Day (Conch Republic, Key West, Florida)
    • International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day
    • Khongjom Day (Manipur, India)
    • National Sovereignty and Children's Day (Turkey and Northern Cyprus)
    • Navy Day (China)
    • St George's Day (England) and its related observances:
      • Canada Book Day (Canada)
      • La Diada de Sant Jordi (Catalonia, Spain)
      • World Book Day
    • UN English Language Day (United Nations)
  • April 24
    • Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (Armenia)
    • Concord Day (Niger)
    • Children's Day (Zambia)
    • Democracy Day (Nepal)
    • Fashion Revolution Day
    • Flag Day (Ireland)
    • International Sculpture Day
    • Kapyong Day (Australia)
    • Labour Safety Day (Bangladesh)
    • National Panchayati Raj Day (India)
    • National Pigs in a Blanket Day (United States)
    • Republic Day (The Gambia)
    • St Mark's Eve (Western Christianity)
    • World Day for Laboratory Animals
  • April 25
    • Anniversary of the First Cabinet of Kurdish Government (Iraqi Kurdistan)
    • Anzac Day (Australia, New Zealand)
    • Arbor Day (Germany)
    • DNA Day
    • Feast of Saint Mark (Western Christianity)
    • Flag Day (Faroe Islands)
    • Flag Day (Eswatini)
    • Freedom Day (Portugal)
    • Liberation Day (Italy)
    • Major Rogation (Western Christianity)
    • Military Foundation Day (North Korea)[4]
    • National Zucchini Bread Day (United States)
    • Parental Alienation Awareness Day
    • Red Hat Society Day
    • Sinai Liberation Day (Egypt)
    • World Malaria Day
  • April 26
    • Chernobyl disaster related observances:
      • Memorial Day of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes (Russia)
      • Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy (Belarus)
    • Confederate Memorial Day (Florida, United States)
    • Hug A Friend Day
    • Hug an Australian Day
    • Lesbian Visibility Day
    • National Pretzel Day (United States)
    • Old Permic Alphabet Day
    • Union Day (Tanzania)
    • World Intellectual Property Day
  • April 27
    • Day of Russian Parliamentarism (Russia)
    • Day of the Uprising Against the Occupying Forces (Slovenia)
    • Flag Day (Moldova)
    • Freedom Day (South Africa)
      • UnFreedom Day
    • Independence Day (Sierra Leone)
    • Independence Day (Togo)
    • National Day (Mayotte)
    • National Day (Sierra Leone)
    • National Prime Rib Day (United States)
    • National Veterans' Day (Finland)
  • April 28
    • Lawyers' Day (Orissa, India)
    • Mujahideen Victory Day (Afghanistan)
    • National Day (Sardinia, Italy)
    • National Heroes Day (Barbados)
    • Restoration of Sovereignty Day (Japan)
    • Workers' Memorial Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work (international)
      • National Day of Mourning (Canada)
  • April 29
    • Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare (United Nations)
    • International Dance Day (UNESCO)
    • Princess Bedike's Birthday (Denmark)
    • National Shrimp Scampi Day (United States)
    • Shōwa Day, traditionally the start of the Golden Week holiday period, which is April 29 and May 3–5. (Japan)
  • April 30
    • Armed Forces Day (Georgia (country))
    • Birthday of the King (Sweden)
    • Camarón Day (French Foreign Legion)
    • Children's Day (Mexico)
    • Consumer Protection Day (Thailand)
    • Honesty Day (United States)
    • International Jazz Day (UNESCO)
    • Martyr's Day (Pakistan)
    • May Eve, the eve of the first day of summer in the Northern hemisphere (see May 1):
      • Beltane begins at sunset in the Northern hemisphere, Samhain begins at sunset in the Southern hemisphere. (Neo-Druidic Wheel of the Year)
      • Carodejnice (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
      • Walpurgis Night (Central and Northern Europe)
    • National Persian Gulf Day (Iran)
    • Reunification Day (Vietnam)
    • Russian State Fire Service Day (Russia)
    • Tax Day (Canada)
    • Teachers' Day (Paraguay)


  • Kalenda ndị Germany
  • Ndepụta ncheta akụkọ ihe mere eme
  • Mmiri nke RMS <i id="mwBKg">Titanic</i>

Ihe odide

  1. "April" in Chambers's Encyclopædia. London: George Newnes, 1961, Vol. 1, p. 497.
  2. Jacob Grim Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Cap. "Monate"
  3. Koledar prireditev v letu 2007 in druge informacije občine Dobrova–Polhov Gradec (sl). Municipality of Dobrova-Polhov Gradec (2006). Archived from the original on November 2, 2013.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Seol Song Ah (7 December 2015). Kim Jong Un's birthday still not a holiday. Daily NK. Retrieved on 13 January 2017.

Njikọ mpụga



