Timothy J. Clark (onye na-ese ihe)


Timothy J. Clark (amuru June 30, 1951) bu onye omenka America kacha mara amara maka nnukwu eserese mmiri nke okirikiri obodo, ndụ ndụ, na ime ya, yana maka eserese mmanụ ya na agba mmiri.[1]  Ihe osise ya na eserese ya dị na mkpokọta na-adịgide adịgide nke ihe ngosi nka nka karịrị iri abụọ.

Ndụ mbido


[1] [2]Clark nsogbu ma na Santa Ana, California .   Ọ gara ụlọ akwụkwọ nka nke Art Center ebe ya na Harry Carmean rụkọrọ ọrụ na 1969. Ọ akwụkwọ na Chouinard Art Institute na Los Angeles (CFA '72) na California Institute of Arts (BA 1975) ebe ya na Harold Kramer, Emerson Woelffer  , na Donald W. Graham rụkọrọ ọrụ.   Clark akara akara akara nna ya ukwu na Mahadum California State, Long Beach na 1978 ebe ya na Joyce Tremain rụkọrọ ọrụ. [3] [4]



Clark na-ahụ ikuku nke odida obodo yana ndụ na ime n'ime ihe osise mmiri dị egwu, nke na-igwe igwe, lemons, Landscapes Urban, na Interiors.   [1] N'oge na-adịbeghị anya, ọ la mfe n'ịhụnanya ogologo ndụ ya maka iwu Hispanic, na-ahụ usoro ngwaọrụ nke nnukwu mmiri mmiri na-akpachi anya sitere na mpaghara iri na otu nke Spain kwụụrụ onwe ya, Portugal  , na America.   Ọrụ ndị a na-eme n'ihi ihe nketa anya Hispanic site na nzaghachi nka siri ike na ukwuu nke bụ akara alaahịa nke ọrụ ya.   [2] [3] ndepụta Clark ndị ọzọ a ga-edetu bụ igwe kwụ otu ebe, Lemọn, na Obodo Obodo.   [4] Eserese ndị a, nke Senior Curator Marcus Burke chepụtara, bụ ndị e na njem ndị njem America: Njem Watercolor Site na Spain, Portugal na Mexico Featuring the Works of Timothy J. Clark, na Hispanic Society Museum na New York City na  2022 [32][33][34]

Amaakwa maka ihe onyonyo ya na unyi, watercolor na-egosi, ihe ngosi solo Clark, ọnọdụ: Eserese nke Timothy J. Clark, bụ Lisa Farrington, Ph D. chepụtara maka Mahadum Howard na Winter 2022.[31]  Eserese nke Clark nyere ọrụ nke Sir Eldon Griffin, MP;  Onye ọka ikpe Sandra L. Lynch, Onyeikpe Mkpegharị Mkpegharị nke United States maka Ndị Ikpe Mbụ, Moakley Federal Courthouse, Boston, MA[22];  na Ndị Ikpe Sandra L. Lynch, O. Rogeriee Thompson, na Juan R. Torruella maka akwụkwọ Iwu Mahadum Boston.  Ihe osise mmirika ya nke ndị nka Faith Ringgold na Will Barnet bụ nke National Portrait Gallery ikike[1] [23]

Ihe ngosi ngosi ihe ngosi nka solo nso nso a gụnyere:

"Timothy J. Clark: Masterworks na Akwụkwọ" na Fort Smith Regional Art Museum na Arkansas (2018 - 2019) [5] "N'ihu nke ìhè dị nsọ" na LUMA (Loyola University Museum of Art), Chicago, (2015) ) [5] [6] [7] [8]

"Timothy J. Clark" na Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, California, (2012 - 2013); [9] [10] [11]

"Egosipụta Luminescence" na Nevada Museum of Art, Reno (2010 - 2011) [12]

Na 2008, ihe ngosi nlegharị anya n'etiti ọrụ nke ọrụ Clark bụ nke Pasadena Museum of California Art haziri ma bụrụ onye ọbịa site n'aka Mr. Jean Stern.  [1] [2] [3] E tee ihe egwu iri anọ, na agba mmiri emebere ihe ọmụmụ a na ụlọ ngosi nka Pasadena site na January - , na Butler Institute of American Art na Youngstown, Ohio site na  June - August, [4] [5] na Whistler House Museum.  nke Art na Lowell, Massachusetts August - Ọktọba. [13]

E gosikwara ihe osise Clark na ihe ngosi mba ụwa na Allied Museum na Berlin, Germany, Topkapi Museum na Istanbul[24], na ihe ngosi solo na Rosenfeld Gallery na Juarez, Mexico.

Otu akwụkwọ, "Timothy J. Clark", nke Pomegranate Communications bipụtara na 2008.[1]  Site n'edemede akụkọ ndụ nke Mr. Jean Stern, onye bụbu onye isi ụlọ ngosi ihe mgbe ochie nke Irvine dị na Southern California, na edemede dị egwu nke onye ọkọ akụkọ ihe mere eme na onye ode akwụkwọ, Dr. Lisa E. Farrington dere, akwụkwọ ahụ jerekwara ozi dị ka katalọgụ maka nlegharị anya Clark. [1]

Ọrụ Clark bụ Lois Wagner Fine Art na New York City na Harmon-Meek Galleries na Naples, Florida nọchiri anya ya.



Ihe osise Clark, ndị egwuregwu na dị n'ihe ngosi ụlọ ihe ngosi iri na ise na mkpokọta ọha na United States Britain:

Ụlọ Ọrụ Art Arkansas

Ụlọ ikpe Federal nke Boston

Ụlọ akwụkwọ iwu nke Mahadum Boston

Ụlọ ọrụ Butler nke American Art, Youngstown, Ohio [1]

Obodo Museum nke New York [1]

El Paso Museum of Art, Texas [1]

Ụlọ ihe ngosi nka nke Farnsworth, Maine [1]

Ebe ngosi nka nka nke Fort Smith, Arkansas [36]

Hilbert Museum of Art, Mahadum Chapman, Orange, California

Hispanic Society Museum & Library, New York [32]

Eze ihe ngosi nka nke Mahadum Howard, Washington, DC[31]

Ụlọ ihe ngosi nka nke Laguna, California [7]

Ọbá akwụkwọ nke Congress, Na-arụ ọrụ na Akwụkwọ, Washington DC [1]

Ndị dike ihe ngosi nka nke Mahadum Loyola (LUMA), Chicago [9]

Ndị eze ihe ngosi nka nke mba, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC [1]

Ebe ngosi nka nke Springfield, Missouri

Mahadum California Institute na Museum of Art, Irvine

Ụlọ ihe ngosi nka nke Whistler, Lowell, Massachusetts [1]

Onye edemede, na onye na-elekọta telivishọn


Na 1987, Clark dere akwụkwọ Focus on Watercolor na mkpa ya na Metropolitan na Whitney Museums na New York.   [1] Akwụkwọ ahụ jere ozi dị ka onye mmekọ na usoro PBS nwere akwa iri na atọ nke otu aha ahụ ewepụtara na 1989 nke Clark jere ozi dịka onye edemede na onye ọbịa n'ikuku.   Usoro a wesara na ọdụ PBS na North America niile wee nweta nhọpụta Emmy. [14] [15]

Onye nkuzi nka


PClark mbụla ma ndịere ya na ụlọ ọrụ mmemme mmemme na-aga n'ihu na ịga nke Mahadum Yale bụ Rome, National Academy, Art Student League of New York, na Mahadum Hawaii na Hilo.[1]  Site na 2003 - 2013, ọ jere ozi na Board Alumni maka California Institute of Arts (CalARTS).

Na Jenụwarị 2017, Clark nakweere nhọpụtapụta ise dị ka onye isi ụmụaka oge na Art Students League of New York.  [1] [2] [3] Mgbe ọ nọ ebe ahụ, o adi mmemme ọhụrụ na animation na Mark Osborne, mmemme ejiji na Bil Donovan, wee soro Wayne Thiebaud na Philip Pearlstein nwee ike ụka panel.  Ndị otu ya na Dr. Michael White agbaghara okwu crossover dị n'etiti ndị na-ese ihe na onye na-egwu egwu.

Ndụ onwe onye


Akwụkwọ ọgụgụ ahọpụtara


"Ndị njem America: Njem mmiri nke mmiri na-agafe na Spain, Portugal na Mexico na- ozi ọrụ oge nke Timothy J. Clark," Hispanic Society Museum & Library, New York, New York, ihe ngosi ihe ngosi, 2022

"Mgbakọ ihe: Eserese nke Timothy J. Clark", Mahadum Howard, Washington DC, katalọgụ ngosi, 2022

"Na Agba Ndụ: Timothy J. Clark's Poetic Realism", nke Leo J. Donovan, Magazine America, June 6, 2013

"Timothy J. Clark," nke Stern, Farrington dere; Ndị Pọmegranate Communications bipụtara, Petaluma, California, Jenụarị 2008 [16]

"Ọnụ ọkụ na Njikọ, Ugbu a niile n'Ofe," nke Holland Cotter, New York Times, Septemba 9, 2005 [17]

"Nkà na Mkpụrụ Obi Ya," nke Brad Bonhall, Los Angeles Times, Maachị 27, 2000 [18]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Stern, Farrington, Timothy J. Clark, Pomegranate Communications, Petaluma, California, January 2008
  2. Carine Nadel, Timothy J. Clark: Artist and Teacher, Orange County*Long Beach, California, April 2011
  3. Kelly Compton, Timothy J. Clark: Master of Color, Light, and Shadow, Fine Art Connoisseur, New York, NY, July/August 2008
  4. Brad Bonhall, His Art and Soul, Los Angeles Times, CA. Los Angeles Times (March 27, 2000).
  5. Kelly Compton, Sacred Light: The Art of Timothy J. Clark, Fine Art Connoisseur, New York, NY, May/June 2015
  6. Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., “In Living Color: Timothy J. Clark’s Poetic Realism, America magazine, New York, NY, July 6–13, 2015
  7. Summer at LUMA...Chicago, July 7, 2015.
  8. Chris Miller, Timothy J. Clark/Loyola University Museum of Art, Chicago, July 8, 2015.
  9. Janet Blake, Timothy J. Clark, by Janet Blake, Curator, Laguna Art Museum, CA, 2012
  10. Richard Chang, Cleanly Drawn in Laguna, The Orange County Register, California, November 11, 2012
  11. Daniella Walsh, Embracing the Past and the Present, Laguna Beach Independent, CA, November 14, 2012
  12. Noteworthy: Expressive Luminescence, Watercolors by Timothy J. Clark, Watercolor magazine, New York City, Winter 2010
  13. Nancye Tuttle, Making an Impression at Whistler House, Lowell Sun, Massachusetts, August 21, 2008
  14. Brad Bonhall, His Art and Soul, Los Angeles Times, CA. Los Angeles Times (March 27, 2000).
  15. 3 TV Series Produced at KOCE Are Up for L.A.-Area Emmys. Los Angeles Times (May 1, 1989).
  16. Stern (January 2008). Timothy J. Clark. Pomegranate Communications. 
  17. Cotter. "Luminaries at the League, Now All Over Town", September 9, 2005.
  18. Bonhall. "His Art and Soul", March 27, 2000.

http://www.theartstudentsleague.org/bio_timothy.html</br> http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/7aa/7aa966.htm</br> http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/biography.aspx?searchtype=BIO&artist=134304

Njikọ mpụga
