Àtụ:Asusu Bekee

English Àtụ:Infobox Language/pronunciation
Spoken in: Listed in the article
Total speakers: First language: 309[1] – 380 million[2]
Second language: 199[3] – 600 million
Àtụ:Infobox Language/rank
Language family: Ahendurufi
  West Germanic
     EnglishÀtụ:Infobox Language/scriptÀtụ:Infobox Language/official
Language codes
ISO 639-1: en
ISO 639-2: eng
ISO 639-3: eng 
World countries, states, and provinces where English is a primary language are dark blue; countries, states and provinces where it is an official but not a primary language are light blue.
  1. Ethnologue
  2. The Triumph of English, The Economist, Dec. 20th, 2001
  3. Ethnologue
  4. Ethnologue, 1999
  5. CIA World Factbook, Field Listing - Languages (World).
  6. Languages of the World (Charts), Comrie (1998), Weber (1997), and the Summer Institute for Linguistics (SIL) 1999 Ethnologue Survey. Available at The World's Most Widely Spoken Languages