Sapam Kunjakeswor Singh

Sapam Kunjakeswor Singh, makwaara dị ka Sapam Keba, (amụrụ 1 Jenụwarị 1959) bụ onye ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị sitere na steeti India nke Manipur. Ọ bụ onye omebe iwu nọchitere anya Patsoi Assembly Constituency na ọgbakọ omebe iwu 12th Manipur. Ọ nọchitere anya ọgbakọ ọgbakọ Patsoi n'oge 2007-2012 na Mgbakọ omebe iwu 9th Manipur. [4]

Sapam Kunjakeswor Singh
Chairman, MEDCO
[[ Ambassador to Àtụ:CountryPrefixThe]]
Àtụ:Str rep
Preceded by Yumnam Radheshyam Singh
MLA, Manipur Legislative Assembly
[[ Ambassador to Àtụ:CountryPrefixThe]]
Àtụ:Str rep
Preceded byAkoijam Mirabai Devi
[[ Ambassador to Àtụ:CountryPrefixThe]]
In office
Àtụ:En dash range
Preceded byMoirangthem Nabadwip
Succeeded byAkoijam Mirabai Devi
Personal details
Born (1959-01-01) 1 Jenụwarị 1959 (age 65)
Imphal, Manipur, India
Political partyBharatiya Janata Party
(2013-2017) [1]
Other political
Independent (2007-2012)
AITC (2012-2013) [2]
NEIDP (2017-2021)
Spouse(s)Ningolei Devi
ParentsIbochouba Singh (father)
ResidenceSagolband Road, Tera Bazar, Imphal
Alma materDM College of Science, Manipur
OccupationSocial worker[3]

Na 2007, o meriri ntuli aka nwata ya dị ka onye nọọrọ onwe ya site na imeri onye bụbu osote onye isi ala yana onye bụbu Ọkà Okwu L. Chandramani Singh site na oke nke 1644 votes.[2] Ọ tụfuru ntuli aka 2012 dị ka onye ndoro-ndoro ochichi All India Trinamool Congress. Na 2017, ọ sonyeere North East India Development Party (NEIDP).[3] O meriri ntuli aka nke 2017 site na obere oke nke naanị 114 votes megide onye minista National Congress Indian nọ ọdụ.[4] Na ntuli aka Mgbakọ steeti 2022, dịka onye ndoro-ndoro ochichi BJP, o meriri onye bụbu Mịnịsta INC AK. Mirabai Devi.[5] Na 15 June 2022, a họpụtara Sapam Keba onye isi oche nke MEDCO (Manipur Electronics Development Corporation Limited). [5]

Mbido ndụ na agụmakwụkwọ


A mụrụ Sapam Keba na Imphal, Manipur. A Bachelor of Science gụsịrị akwụkwọ na DM kọleji Sayensị, Manipur. Na mbụ n'ọrụ ya, ọ rụrụ ọrụ dị ka onye ngosi na ngalaba Chemistry na Oriental College, Imphal..[6]

Ọrụ ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị


Na mmalite 2000s, Sapam Keba na ndị otu ya tọrọ ntọala otu ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị a na-akpọ "Committee Progressive Patsoi Kendra". Ebumnobi nke nzukọ a bụ inye aka n'ịkwalite mmepe niile nke ọgbakọ ọgbakọ Patsoi. [7]

Na ntuli aka nke afọ 2002, otu a kwadoro onye CPI Moirangthem Nabadwip Singh ma mesịa Moirangthom Nabadwip Singh merie oche Patsoi.[8]

Ọkpụkpọ Clarion sitere n'aka ndị na-akwado Sapam Keba maka ịlụ ọgụ na ntuli aka ahụ siri ike ma sie ike na ntuliaka mgbakọ nke afọ 2007. Mgbe ọtụtụ echiche na mkparịta ụka gasịrị, Sapam Keba wepụrụ onwe ya ma kwupụta na ọ ga-azọ ọkwa maka ntuli aka nke afọ 2007. O weere nguzo onwe ya ma guzo dị ka onye na-azọ ọkwa Onye nweere onwe ya. N'etiti ndị na-azọ ọkwa gụnyere onye ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị, onye bụbu onye isi oche na onye bụbu osote onye isi minista Dr. L. Chandramani Singh na ndị ọzọ. O meriri ntuli aka ahụ site na votu 1644 ma bụrụ onye mgbasa ozi mpaghara kpọrọ "Giant Killer".

Mgbe ọ ghọrọ MLA dị ka onye nweere onwe ya, ike ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị nke Sapam Keba abụghị nke kachasị ike dịka Gọọmentị nke O. Ibobi Singh nke INC na-edu na ndị enyi ya nọ n'ọtụtụ. Ebe ọ bụ na n'etiti, e nwekwara Gọọmentị UPA nke Congress na-eduzi, ikike na nkwado dị n'aka ndị ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị Congress ma a họpụtara ha ma ọ bụ na ọ bụghị. A na-etinye ọrụ ndị Sapam Keba chepụtara n'azụ ọkụ ma ọ bụ enweghị nkwado ọ bụla site na ikike na-achị achị. N'elu ihe ahụ niile, ndị na-arụ ọrụ na steeti nọ n'ọnọdụ iro mgbe niile na Sapam Keba.[9] N'agbanyeghị nke a, Sapam Keba rụrụ ọrụ dị mma na oge 2007-2012 hụrụ ọganihu na mmepe nke Patsoi Assembly Constituency.

Ihe gbara ntuli aka a n'afọ 2012 gburugburu dabere na eziokwu ndị dị n'elu n'etiti ihe ndị ọzọ. Ihe ndị ọzọ gụnyere, oke nke Congress na steeti na Sapam Keba maka ntuli aka 2012 a na-asọ mpi megide Congress na tiketi AITC. Ọnụ ọgụgụ vootu Sapam Keba nwetara na 2007 fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ otu ihe ahụ o nwetara na 2012 na-egosi na ndị tụụrụ ya vootu na 2007 ka tụkwasịrị ya obi na 2012 kwa. Ihe ọzọ gụnyere vootu ndị na-emegide Sapam Keba jikọtara ọnụ na nke a kpatara nnukwu egwu nye Sapam Keva. Ntuli aka ndị na-emegide Sapam Keba gụnyere ntuli aka ndị Kọmunist yana ntuli aka sitere n'aka onye isi oche L. Chandramani Singh onye nwetara ihe karịrị vootu 7,000 na 2007 mana e belatara ya na vootu 2515 na ntuli aka 2012. Ihe ndị a niile dugara na mmeri nke Sapam Keba.[10]Àtụ:Election box begin[11] Àtụ:Election box winning candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box end

Mgbe e meriri ya na ntuli aka nke afọ 2012, Sapam Keba malitere ịchọ nhọrọ ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị ndị ọzọ ebe ọ bụ na AITC emeghị nke ọma dịka ndị mmadụ tụrụ anya ya. N'oge a, BJP malitere ịrị elu ha na akụkọ nke mba ahụ. Na Disemba, 2013 Sapam Keba sonyeere BJP na ọnụnọ nke Tapir Gao, onye bụbu onye omeiwu si Arunachal Pradesh na onye na-ahụ maka BJP Manipur na n'okpuru onye isi ala BJP nke Th. Chaoba Singh, onye bụbu Minista Union.[12] Ị sonye Sapam Keba na BJP bụ tupu Narendra Modi aghọọ onye isi ala nke BJP na n'oge ọ bụghị ọtụtụ ndị nọ na Manipur nwere ịnụ ọkụ n'obi ịbanye na BJP.

Mgbe ọ sonyeere BJP, a họpụtara Sapam Keba dị ka otu n'ime ndị isi nke BJP Manipur Pradesh ma mesịa bụrụ otu n'etiti ndị otu kọmitii.[13]

N'agbanyeghị ịrụ ọrụ nke ọma maka BJP na ọbụna mgbe mmesi obi ike ugboro ugboro sitere n'aka ndị ndu BJP steeti na a ga-ekpebi tiketi BJP na ihe mmeri, a leghaara aha Sapam Keba anya maka nhọpụta ahụ. Sapam Keba sonyeere otu ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị mpaghara NEIDP wee lụọ ọgụ na ntuli aka nke 2017 mana o meriri ntuli aka ahụ site na obere votu nke naanị 114 megide Minista nke Indian National Congress Ak.[14] Mirabai Onye BJP na-azọ ọkwa nwetara naanị vootu 3,173 ma tụfuo ego ya.[15]Àtụ:Election box begin[16] Àtụ:Election box winning candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box end

Na 15th July, 2021, Sapam Keba hapụrụ NEIDP.[17] N'abalị iri abụọ na anọ n'ọnwa Ọktoba, afọ 2021, Sapam Keba laghachiri na BJP n'ihu Onye isi minista Manipur N. Biren Singh na Onye isi ala BJP A. Sharda Devi. Nkwupụta nke ndepụta ndị BJP maka ntuli aka nke nzukọ steeti nke 2022 gụnyere Sapam Keba ma ọ sonyeere ntuli aka ahụ na tiketi BJP. N'ọgụ atọ nke Patsoi AC n'etiti BJP, Congress na NPP, Sapam Keba nke BJP nwere mmeri. BJP n'ozuzu ya rụkwara ọrụ nke ọma na steeti ahụ site n'inweta oche 32 n'ime oche 60 ma guzobe Gọọmentị na steeti.[18][19]Àtụ:Election box begin [20] Àtụ:Election box winning candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box candidate with party link Àtụ:Election box end

Ọnọdụ ndị o nwere na pati ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị

  • Onye otu kọmitii - BJP Manipur Pradesh
  • Onye isi oche - NEIDP [21]

Ebe a na-ese foto


Ebem si dee

  1. Modi to visit state on 8 Feb
  2. Filing of nomination ends; unofficial source pegs total nomination filed at 266. Archived from the original on 2023-04-10. Retrieved on 2024-09-02.
  3. 9th Manipur Legislative Assembly Members: Who's Who. Archived from the original on 14 May 2017. Retrieved on 2 September 2024.
  4. Members of the 9th Manipur Legislative Assembly
  5. 9 BJP MLAs given Chairman post of Govt bodies. Archived from the original on 2022-09-22. Retrieved on 2024-09-02.
  6. 9th Manipur Legislative Assembly (WHO's WHO). (2017-05-14). Archived from the original on 2017-05-14. Retrieved on 2024-05-15.
  7. Patsoi MLA promises incentives for students : 13th jul09 ~ E-Pao! Headlines. Retrieved on 2024-05-15.
  8. Rishang, Chandramani fall on day of surprises
  9. MLA ired by Patsoi OC's 'high headedness', demands action
  10. Mirabai eyes women empowerment
  11. Compilation of polling station wise result-SA-2012 - CEO Manipur.
  12. Press (2013-12-29). Tapir Gao to assess intending candidates – KanglaOnline (en-US). Retrieved on 2023-12-10.
  13. Narendra Modi Concerns about Manipur Issues. Retrieved on 2023-12-10.
  14. NEIDP names 10 candidates : 09th feb17 ~ E-Pao! Headlines. Retrieved on 2024-05-10.
  15. IndiaVotes AC Summary: Patsoi 2017. IndiaVotes. Retrieved on 2024-05-10.
  16. Compilation of polling station wise resul-SA-2017 - CEO Manipur.
  17. Keba resigns (en). Retrieved on 2024-05-15.
  18. Manipur election 2022 result updates BJP wins 32 seats in Manipur. Retrieved on 2024-08-24.
  19. CM, Sharda go on poll trail with peace call for Manipur : 25th oct21 ~ E-Pao! Headlines. Retrieved on 2024-05-15.
  20. Compilation of polling station wise resul-SA-2022 - CEO Manipur.
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