Oche ụlọ mposi

Oche ụlọ mposi bụ otu hinged nke nwere oche dị gburugburu ma ọ bụ oghere, n'abụkarị mkpuchi, nke a n'etinye na efere nke ụlọ mposi eji n'ọnọdụ ịnọdụ ala (dị iche na ụlọ mposi squat). Oche ahụ nwere ike ịbụ maka ụlọ mposi ma ọ bụ ụlọ mposi kpọrọ nkụ. Oche ụlọ mposi nwere oche n'onwe ya, nke nwere ike ịbụ nke a n'eme ka onye ọrụ nọrọ, na mkpuchi, nke n'ekpuchi ụlọ mposi mgbe a n'ejighị ya - mkpụchi ahụ nwere ike ghara ịdị n'ọnọdụ ụfọdụ, ọkachasị na ụlọ mposi ọha.

Oche na mkpuchi ụlọ ọrụ Bemis Manufacturing maka ụlọ mposi

Toilet seats often have a lid. This lid is frequently left open. The combined toilet seat and lid may be kept in a closed position when a toilet is not in use, making it so—at a minimum—the lid must be raised prior to use. It can be closed to prevent small items from falling in, reduce odors, or provide a chair in the toilet room for aesthetic purposes. Some studies show that closing the lid prevents the spread of aerosols on flushing ("toilet plume"), which might be a source of disease transmission.[1]

Oche ụlọ mposi na-adabaghị kpọmkwem na porcelain ma ọ bụ ígwè nke ụlọ mposi n'onwe ya kama n'elu hinges na n'elu tabs / spacers na-agbakwunye na ebe ole na ole. N'otu aka ahụ, mkpuchi anaghị ezu ike ozugbo na njikọ aka na oche mana a n'ebuli ya elu mgbe ọ dị n'elu ya site na hinges na tabs / spacers agbakwunyere na ebe ole na ole. Nke a bụ ebe enwere ike ịgbasa ikuku ikuku mgbe emechiri.

Mgbanwe dị iche iche


A n'arụ oche ụlọ mposi n'ụdị dị iche iche na agba dị iche iche, a pụkwara itinye ha n'ụlọ mposi n"onwe ya. A n'ewu ha iji kwekọọ na ọdịdị nke efere ụlọ mposi: ihe atụ abụọ nke a bụ efere dị ogologo na efere nkịtị. A n'etinye ụfọdụ oche mposi na hinges n'emechi nwayọ iji belata mkpọtụ site na igbochi ha ịpị efere ahụ.

A n'eji ụdị osisi dị iche iche eme oche ụfọdụ, dị ka Osisi oak ma ọ bụ walnut, a n'emekwa ka ndị ọzọ dị nro maka nkasi obi. Oche ndị nwere ọtụtụ agba, dị ka okooko osisi ma ọ bụ akwụkwọ akụkọ, abụwo ihe na-ewu ewu mgbe ụfọdụ. A n'eji plastik n'ahụ anya emepụta ihe ndị ọzọ, n'etinye obere ihe ịchọ mma dị ka mkpokoro mmiri ma ọ bụ mkpụrụ ego. Ọnụahịa oche ụlọ mposi dịgasị iche iche.

Ihe mkpuchi ákwà ịchọ mma maka mkpuchi oche ụlọ mposi abanyewo ma pụọ na ejiji. Ndị n'akwado ya n'ekwu na ha n'ekwe ka e jiri ụlọ mposi mee ihe dị ka oche dị mma ma nye ụzọ ọzọ isi chọọ ụlọ ịsa ahụ mma. N'otu oge ahụ, ndị nkatọ n'ele ha anya dị ka nsogbu nhicha nke n'emepụta ọrụ n'enweghị isi.

Ụfọdụ ụlọ mposi ígwè, dị ka ndị dị n'ọtụtụ ụlọ mkpọrọ na ụlọ mkpọrọ, nwere oche mposi nke a n'apụghị iwepụ, ka onye mkpọrọ wee ghara ime ka ọ bụrụ ngwá agha, ọta ma ọ bụ ngwá ọrụ mgbapụ.

Oche mposi ihu

Oche mposi dị n'ihu ụgbọelu, nke nwere ọkwa n'agwa ndị ọrụ ka ha ghara ịsacha ihe mkpofu n'ime ụlọ mposi, na idebe oche mposi dị ọcha maka onye ọrụ ọzọ.

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials' Uniform Plumbing Code, ngalaba 409.2.2, chọrọ ka "oche mmiri niile, ma e wezụga ndị dị n'ime ụlọ obibi ma ọ bụ maka iji onwe onye, g'abụ nke ụdị ihu mepere emepe". Enwere ihe pụrụ iche maka ụlọ mposi nwere ihe n'ekpuchi oche ụlọ mposi n'akpaghị aka. Ọtụtụ ndị ọchịchị n'agbaso koodu ahụ, n'ihi ya, ọtụtụ ụlọ mposi ọha na eze nwere oche mposi ihu n'emeghe (nke a n'akpọkwa "oche nkewa"). [2]

Ebum n'ụche maka nhazi oche a bụ iji gbochie akụkụ ahụ e ji enwe mmekọahụ ịkpọtụrụ oche ahụ. Ọ n'ahapụkwa mpaghara nke oche nke nwere ike imerụ mamịrị ma zere mmetụ maka ihichapụ ya n'ụzọ dị mfe.[2]

Nhazi nke oge a, njikọta eletrọniki, na ọrụ




Oche n'adịghị ngwa ngwa n'eji hinges pụrụ iche iji gbochie oche ahụ ịkụda. Okpokoro pụrụ iche na-enye nguzogide, n'enye ohere ka oche jiri nwayọọ nwayọọ daa.


  1. Johnson. "Lifting the lid on toilet plume aerosol: A literature review with suggestions for future research", American Journal of Infection Control, pp. 254–258.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Vanhoenacker. "What's That Thing? U-Shaped Toilet Seat Edition", Slate magazine, 23 April 2013. Retrieved on 26 April 2013. Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Slate 23 April 2013" defined multiple times with different content