Njikọ nke African Democratic Socialist Parties

The League of African Democratic Socialist Parties, initially known as the Socialist Inter-African, is a union of democratic socialist political parties in the continent of Africa. It was set up to provide an international forum for moderate socialists in Africa, and proclaimed that "democratic socialism" was the only possible path to African development.[1] It is affiliated to, but not a regional component of, the Socialist International.

Mkpebi ịtọlite ya bụ nke otu ndị African social democrats nke Léopold Sédar Senghor nke Senegal mere na nzukọ Geneva nke 1976 nke Socialist International.[2] N'oge ahụ osote onye isi oche nke SI, e "nyefere" ya ọrụ nke ịmepụta otu mpaghara nke ga-enweghị ebubo nke njikọ ọ bụla na Moscow.

Socialist Inter-African nwere nzukọ mbụ ya na Tunis na Febụwarị 26-28, 1981. Ndị otu ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị iri na otu si n'ofe kọntinent ahụ bịara.[3] Otu n'ime ndị guzobere ya bụ Sudanese Socialist Union nke Gaafar Nimeiry.[4] Senghor enweghị ike ịdọta ndị Socialist niile nke kọntinent ahụ; ndị a ma ama gụnyere Zimbabwe na Namibia. Ndị nta akụkọ Soviet kwupụtara na njikọ nke òtù "bourgeois" dị ize ndụ ma na-achọ ohere, nakwa na "a haziri Socialist Inter-African na Western Europe ma mepụta ya na Dakar na Tunis".[5]

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  1. Doherty, James C. (ed.): "League of African Democratic Socialist Parties" in the Historical Dictionary of Socialism Templeeti:Webarchive, Scarecrow Press, 2006.
  2. Kosukhin, Nikolai: Revolutionary Democracy in Africa: Its Ideology and Policy, Progress Publishers, 1985.
  3. Gromyko, A.A. "Africa Today: Progress, Difficulties, Perspectives", Social Sciences Today, 1983.
  4. Ray, Donald I. Dictionary of the African Left: Parties, Movements and Groups. Aldershot, Hants u.a: Dartmouth, 1989. p. 206
  5. Novosti Daily Review, 1 March 1981.