Kirsten Kasper
Kirsten Kasper bụ onye okachamara onye America.
Ọrụ kọleji
dezieỌ bụ onye na-agba ọsọ mba maka Georgetown Hoyas . [1]
Ọrụ ọkachamara
dezie2016 oge
dezieỌ meriri ọla edo nke asọmpi mba ụwa na agba agba agba agba agba agba. [2]
Kasper meriri emume iko mba ụwa nke mbụ na Salinas, Ecuador . [3]
2017 oge
dezieKasper gụchara 4th na ọkwa 2017 ITU World Triathlon Series site na njedebe nke ebe 4th na Finale. [4] E gosipụtara ọkwa ikpeazụ a site na podium mbụ WTS ya, nke atọ na Yokohama . [5]
dezie- ↑ Duffy, Mola heavy favorites for World titles.
- ↑ U.S. triathletes see golden opportunity in relay.
- ↑ Sportzhub. Kirsten Kasper and David Castro capture debut titles at the 2016 Salinas ITU World Cup.
- ↑ Duffy dominates Grand Final, repeats WTS World title.
- ↑ Two-minute ticker: Wet racing - Duffy and Mola tops in Yokohama. Archived from the original on 2017-09-20. Retrieved on 2024-08-06.