Ihe oyiyi Emotan
statue, tourist attraction
Oge/afọ mmalite1954 Dezie
mba/obodoBenin Dezie
dị na ngalaba nhazi mpagharaȮra Edo Dezie
ebeKazaure Dezie
nhazi ọnọdụ9°18′44″N 2°18′52″E Dezie
ụdịpublic art Dezie

Ihe oyiyi Emotan bụ ihe oyiyi ndụ nke e mere iji sọpụrụ Emotan, onye isi ahịa nke na-azụ ahịa n'ahịa Oba na ala eze Benin Ancient Benin n'oge ọchịchị Oba Uwaifiokun na Oba Ewuare the Great . [1] Oba Akenzua II weputara ihe oyiyi a n'ubochi 20 Maachị 1954 ma tinye ya n'ihu ahia Oba na obodo Benin . [2]



Uwaifiokun na Oba Ewuare the Great

  1. S. B. Omoregie (1972). Emotan and the Kings of Benin. Longman Group (Far East), Limited. ISBN 978-0-582-60925-9. 
  2. The History Behind The Emotan Statue. Otedo News (15 November 2014). Archived from the original on 27 January 2017. Retrieved on 31 August 2015.