Hugo Ballin NA</link> (March 7, 1879 – Nọvemba 27, 1956 [1] ) bụ onye omenkà America, onye na-ese foto, onye ode akwụkwọ na onye ntụzi ihe nkiri.  Ballin bụ onye otu National Institute of Arts and Letters [2] na National Academy of Design .

Akụkọ ndụ


QqA egwuregwu Ballin na New York City wee gbanwee na Art Student League nke New York .  Mgbe e wuru isi obodo Wisconsin na akwa awụ nke 20, Ball ụgbọ ihe osise 26 maka ime ya.  [1] Na 1917 ọ ịrịba ọrụ maka Goldwyn Pictures na New Jersey dị ka onye ntụziaka nka na onye ike ihe, na 1921 ọ kwagara Los Angeles na Samuel Goldwyn .  N'oge na-adịghị anya ọ nọkwa na-eduzi, na-ede ma na-ahụ ihe nkiri ndị gbachiri maka ụlọ ọrụ ihe nke ya.  Ọ mụrụ onye na-eme ihe nkiri Mabel Croft Ballin.

Mgbe Hollywood ahụ ime foto okwu, Ballin ụlọ ọrụ ihe nkiri, n'ihe mbụ ya dị ka onye na-ese ihe nkiri azụ.  Ọka otu n'ime ndị na-ese foto mbụ na mpaghara Los Angeles, na-ebe ihe ọrụ nke ka na-eso n'ebe ndị dị ka Griffith Observatory, Wilshire Boulevard Temple, LA County General Hospital (nke a  maara ugbu a dị ka Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center ), na Burbank City.  ọchịchị [1]

Ballin ekiri National Academician na 1906, mgbe Society of American Artists, nke a na-egosi na 1905, akwụkwọ ya na National Academy of Design.  N'otu afụ ahụ, Ballin National Academy of Design's Thomas B. Clarke Prize maka ọrụ ya, "Nne na Nwa".  N'afọ 1940, maka ọrụ ya "The Deposition", nke na-egosi na a napụrụ ihe n'obe, e mere ihe nrite Clarke ọzọ, ihe omume na-ahụ ahụkebe na-eme ihe mere eme nke Academy.. [2]

Isi ụlọ ọrụ bụ n'iche ya na Pacific Palisades, California .  A na-eli ya na ebe ili ozu Woodlawn, Santa Monica, ebe otu n'ime ọrụ ikpeazụ ya, otu ihe osise nke na-egosi ndụ na ọhụhụ nke ntaba.  Ọrụ ya bụkwa nke ihe ọrụ ike na 1932 Summer Olympics. [3]

Mgbidi ahọpụtara

Mgbidi Ballin n'ime ọnụ ụlọ nke Los Angeles Times Building
  • Mgbidi ụlọ ọrụ Burbank ( Ụlọ Nzukọ Obodo Burbank )
  • Usoro nke fresco murals na-egosi sayensị ahụike na vaults na groins nke ntinye aka na Los Angeles County General Hospital (nka LAC-USC Medical Center ), ụlọ nwekwara ọrụ nke onye na-ese ihe S. Cartaino Scarpitta. [4] Ihe mkpuchi ahụ bụ naanị frescos ọha ama ama nke Ballin mepụtara. [5]
  • Ihe osise dị na Globe Lobby nke Ụlọ Los Angeles Times
  • Mgbidi isii na-egosi akụkọ ihe mere eme California ( La Brea Tar Pits, Spanish Period, Treaty of Cauenga, First Survey of Los Angeles, Coming of the Railroad and The Modern Scene ) n'ime ọnụ ụlọ elevator nke Title Guarantee and Trust Company Building/Los Angeles Public Library
  • Nkụzi Rudimentary, ihe osise nke Federal Public Works of Art Project kwadoro ma nye ya na El Rodeo Elementary School, Beverly Hills.
  • The Apotheosis of Power (Southern California Edison Building/One Bunker Hill tinyere ọrụ Robert Merrell Gage, Barse Miller na Conrad Buff )
  • Ihe ngosi nke anọ nnwere onwe ( Burbank City Hall )
  • March nke Sayensị Site n'Age ( Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, California)
  • Warner Memorial Murals ( Ụlọ nsọ Wilshire Boulevard )
  • Mgbidi mmiri, ike na ọkụ (Ụlọ nchekwa mmiri na ike nchịkwa Burbank) [6] [7]

Akwụkwọ ọgụgụ ahọpụtara


Filmografii ahọpụtara




  1. LA County Arts Commission - Civic Art Active Projects. Retrieved on 3 May 2015.
  2. Dearinger (1 January 2004). Paintings and Sculpture in the Collection of the National Academy of Design: 1826-1925. Hudson Hills. ISBN 9781555950293. 
  3. Hugo Ballin. Olympedia. Retrieved on 2 August 2020.
  4. Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center | Los Angeles Conservancy (en). Retrieved on 2018-04-27.
  5. Untitled | LA County Arts Commission (en). (10 October 2016). Archived from the original on 2018-04-28. Retrieved on 2018-04-27.
  6. Water, Power and Light. Grassroots Connection. Retrieved on 1 October 2023.
  7. Renovation of Historic Administration Building. Burbank Water and Power. Retrieved on 1 October 2023.