Foto na-eji hekta (obere ebe na-acha anụnụ anụnụ n'okpuru aka ekpe) tụnyere nkeji ndị ọzọ. Ogige odo ahụ dum bụ otu square mile.

Hectare (/ ˈhɛktɛər, -tɑːr/; akara SI: ha) bụ ihe na-abụghị SI metric unit nke mpaghara nhata square nwere akụkụ 100-mita (1 hm2), ya bụ, 10,000 square (10,000 m2), na a na-ejikarị eme ihe na nha ala. Enwere hectare 100 n'otu square kilomita. Otu acre dị ihe dịka hectare 0.405 na otu hectare nwere ihe dịka acres 2.47.

St. Enda's GAA ground, na Omagh. Ogige egwuregwu eji eme ihe na Gaelic football na throwing dị ntakịrị ihe karịrị otu hekta.

N'afọ 1795, mgbe e webatara usoro metrik ahụ, a kọwapụtara ya dị ka 100 square mita, ma ọ bụ otu decameter square, na hectare ("hecto-" + "bụ") bụ 100 ares ma ọ bụ  1⁄100 km2 (10,000 square mita. ). Mgbe agbakwunyere usoro metrik ahụ na 1960, nke butere Sistemu Mba Nile nke Unit ( SI), etinyeghị ya dị ka ngalaba amatara. Otú ọ dị, hectare ahụ ka dị ka ngalaba na-abụghị SI nke anabatara maka ojiji ya na SI na ojiji ya bụ "atụ anya na ọ ga-aga n'ihu ruo mgbe ebighị ebi". Ọ bụ ezie na dekare/decare daa (1,000 m2) na bụ (100 m2) anabataghị nke ọma maka ojiji, a ka na-eji ha n'ọnọdụ ụfọdụ. 


Comparison of area units
Unit SI
1 ca 1 m2
1 a 100 m2
1 ha 10,000 m2
100 ha 1,000,000 m2

1 km2
non-SI comparisons
non-SI metric
0.3861 sq mi 1 km2
2.471 acre 1 ha
107,639 sq ft 1 ha
1 sq mi 259.0 ha
1 acre 0.4047 ha
Trafalgar Square nwere mpaghara nke ihe dị ka otu hekta.[1]

Hectare (/ˈhɛktɛər, -tɑːr/[2]), ọ bụ ezie na ọ bụghị otu nke SI, bụ naanị otu aha nke mpaghara a nabatara maka iji ya na SI. E chepụtara aha ahụ na French, site na Latin ārea . [3] N'omume, a na-enweta hekta ahụ n'ụzọ zuru ezu site na SI, na-aha ka square hectometer. A na-eji ya eme ihe n'ụwa niile maka ịtụle nnukwu ala, ọ bụkwa usoro iwu nke ịtụle na ngalaba metụtara ala, atụmatụ, na njikwa, gụnyere iwu (ọrụ ala), ọrụ ugbo, ọhịa, na Atụmatụ obodo na European Union, New Zealand na Australia (site na 1970). [4][5][6][7] Otú ọ dị, United Kingdom, United States, Myanmar (Burma), na ruo n'ókè ụfọdụ Canada, na-eji acre kama hekta maka ịlele ala ma ọ bụ ala.[8][9][10]   [citation needed]

Mba ụfọdụ ndị nwere ntụgharị n'ozuzu site na nha ọdịnala gaa na nha metric (dịka Canada) chọrọ nyocha ọzọ mgbe a gbanwere nkeji nke nha na nkọwa iwu metụtara ala na nkeji metric.   [citation needed] Ndị ọzọ, dị ka South Africa, bipụtara ihe ntụgharị nke a ga-eji mee ihe karịsịa "mgbe a na-akwadebe eserese nkwalite site na nchịkọta".[11]

N'ọtụtụ mba, metrication kọwapụtara ma ọ bụ mee ka ihe ndị dị ugbu a doo anya n'ihe gbasara metric units. A kọwapụtara mpaghara ndị a dị ka otu hekta: [12]

Akụkọ ihe mere eme


Usoro metric nke ịlele bụ nke mbụ gọọmentị French Revolutionary nyere ntọala iwu na 1795. Iwu nke 18 Germinal, Afọ nke Atọ (7 Eprel 1795) kọwapụtara nkeji ise nke nha: [15]

  • mita maka ogologo
  • The are (100 m2) maka mpaghara  
  • stere (1 m3) maka oke nkụ ọkụ [16] 
  • lita (1 dm3) maka mpịakọta mmiri 
  • gram maka Mas

N'afọ 1960, mgbe emelitere usoro metric dị ka International System of Units (SI), ha enwetaghị nkwado mba ụwa. Kọmitii Mba Nile maka Weights and Measures () ekwughị banyere ndị dị na mbipụta 2019 nke broshuọ SI, mana ọ na-ekewa hekta dị ka "nke na-abụ nke SI nabatara maka iji ya na International System of Units".[17] 

N'afọ 1972, European Economic Community (EEC) wepụtara ntụziaka 71/354/EEC, nke depụtara nkeji nke enwere ike iji mee ihe n'ime Community.[18] Ngwongwo ndị e depụtara gosipụtara aro nke CGPM, gbakwunyere ya na nkeji ole na ole ndị ọzọ gụnyere (na n'ụzọ na-apụtaghị ìhè hekta) nke ojiji ya na-ejedebe na nha ala.


Nkọwa nke otu hekta na nke otu bụ

A na-enweta aha centiare, deciare, decare na hectare site na ịgbakwunye akara metric na mpaghara mbụ, bụ.



decimilliare (dma, mgbe ụfọdụ a na-ahụ na nyocha mpaghara cadastre nke ala) bụ bụ ma ọ bụ otu square decimetre.[19]  Ojiji dị otú ahụ nke akara abụọ abụghị ọkọlọtọ. Decimilliare bụ ihe dịka square nke sentimita anọ site na sentimita anọ.



centiare bụ otu square mita.



deciare (nke a na-ejikarị eme ihe) bụ square mita iri.

Ha bụ


The are (/ɑːr/ ma ọ bụ /ɛər/[20]) bụ otu mpaghara, nke hà 100 square mita (10 m × 10 m), nke a na-eji atụle ala. A kọwapụtara ya site na ụdị ochie nke usoro metric, mana ọ dị ugbu a n'èzí International System of Units (SI) nke oge a.[21] A ka na-ejikarị ya eme ihe n'okwu iji tụọ ala, ọkachasị na Indonesia, India, na mba dị iche iche na Europe.

N'asụsụ 2" href="./Russian_language" id="mwAR0" rel="mw:WikiLink" title="Russian language">Russian na ụfọdụ asụsụ ndị ọzọ nke Soviet Union, a na-akpọ ha sotka (Russian: сотка: 'otu narị', ya bụ 100 m2 ma ọ bụ hekta).   A na-eji ya akọwa nha nke dacha ma ọ bụ ubi ubi ma ọ bụ obere ogige ntụrụndụ obodo ebe hekta ga-adị oke ukwuu. Ọtụtụ Russian dachas dị ares 6 (n'asụsụ Russian, narị isii).

Ịgba ọtọ


deca ma ọ bụ dekare (/ˈdɛkɑːr, -ɛər/) sitere na deca ma bụrụ, ma hà ka 10 ares ma ọ bụ 1000 square mita. A na-eji ya eme ihe na Norway na mpaghara ndị Ottoman nke Middle East na Bulgaria dị ka ihe atụ nke ala.[22][23] A na-ejikarị aha ala ochie nke nha yiri ya eme ihe, akọwapụtara ya dịka otu decare:


Mmetric na British imperial / United States omenala ntụnyere
Aha otu Ihe nnọchianya Ọtụtụ nke ndị bu ụzọ
Akụkụ nke unit na-esote
Ogologo akụkụ square
SI ndị yiri ya Ndị eze ukwu Britain / ndị United States omenala
centiare ca 0.1 da 1 m 1 m2 10.76391 Ogwe aka 
deciare da 10 ca 0.1 a 3.1623 m 10 m2 11.95990 Ogwe aka 
bụ a [25] 10 da 0.1 daa 10 m 100 m2 3.95369 Ogwe osisi
ọdịda daa 10 a 0.1 hekta 31.623 m 1000 m2 0.988422 Roods
hekta ha[4] 10 daa 0.01 km2  100 m 10000 m2 2.47105 acres
square kilomita km2 100 hekta 1000 m 1000000 m2 0.386102 sq mi 
Otu acre gosipụtara n'ime otu hekta maka ntụnyere

Ngwongwo ndị a na-ejikarị eme ihe bụ ndị gbara okpotokpo.

Otu hekta bụkwa otu ihe:



The Unicode character Page Àtụ:Mono/styles.css has no content.Àtụ:Unichar, in the CJK Compatibility block, is intended for compatibility with pre-existing East Asian character codes.[28] It is not intended for use in alphabetic contexts. Page Àtụ:Mono/styles.css has no content.Àtụ:Unichar is a combination of ヘクタール (Àtụ:Transl), the Japanese translation of "hectare".


  • Mgbanwe nke nkeji
  • Hectometer
  • Usoro nke ịdị ukwuu

Ebem si dee

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