Amalasuintha[1] (495 - 30 Eprel 535) bụ onye ọchịchị nke Alaeze Ostrogothic site na 526 ruo 535. Na mbụ na-eje ozi dị ka onye ọchịchị maka nwa ya nwoke Athalaric, ọ ghọrọ eze nwanyị mgbe ọ nwụsịrị.[2]. Ọ gụrụ akwụkwọ nke ukwuu, ma Cassiodorus na Procopius toro Amalasuintha maka amamihe ya na ikike ya ịsụ asụsụ atọ (Greek, Gothic, na Latịn).[3] Ọkwa ya dị ka eze nwanyị nweere onwe ya, na mmekọrịta doro anya maka ọdịbendị Rome, kpatara enweghị afọ ojuju n'etiti ndị isi Gothic n'obí ya, a chụpụrụ ya wee gbuo ya mgbe ọnwa isii nke ọchịchị gachara. Eze Ukwu Rom nke dị n'Ebe Ọwụwa Anyanwụ Justinian nke Mbụ ji ọnwụ ya dị ka ihe mgbawa na-awakpo Ịtali, na-amalite Agha Gothic.



O yikarịrị ka a mụrụ Amalasuintha na Ravenna na 495, naanị nwa Theodoric na nwunye ya Audofleda, nwanne nwanyị Clovis, Eze nke ndị Frank.[1] Njikọ nke nne na nna Amalasuintha bụ nke ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị, dị ka ọtụtụ alụmdi na nwunye eze dị n'oge ahụ. Theodoric lụrụ Audofleda n'ihe dị ka afọ 493, mgbe o merisịrị alaeze Gothic dị iche iche ma chọọ njikọ aka na ndị Frank.[1] A mụrụ Amalasuintha n'Ọchịchị Amali n'akụkụ nna ya, nke usoro ndị eze mejupụtara ndị Goth nke ndị Germany.[2] Dị ka nna ya, Amalasuintha lụrụ Eutharic, nwa eze Amali, n'ihi ihe ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị, iji hụ na ọ bụ onye nketa kwesịrị ekwesị n'ocheeze.[3] Ha nwere ụmụ abụọ, Athalaric na Matasuntha. Eutharic nwụrụ na 522, na-akpata egwu Theodoric, ebe alaeze ya enweghị onye nketa nwoke toro eto iji keta ocheeze ahụ.[3] Dị ka nwa Amalasuintha Athalaric dị naanị afọ 10 n'oge ọnwụ Theodoric, Amalasuinta weghaara alaeze ahụ n'akụkụ nwa ya dị ka onye na-achị achị, ọ bụ ezie na akụkọ Cassiodorus na Procopius na-ezo aka na Athalaric dịka Eze, ọ chịrị n'ụzọ dị irè n'aha ya.

Consular diptych nke Rufius Gennadius Probus Orestes, Victoria na Albert museum. Foto Amalasuintha na nwa ya nwoke Athalaric dị n'elu ihe odide ahụ, n'akụkụ obe ahụ.

Onye na-achị achị


Dị ka Procopius si kwuo, ndị isi Goth chọrọ ka a zụlite Athalaric n'ụzọ Gothic, mana Amalasuintha chọrọ ka ọ dị ka ndị isi Rom.[4] Amalasuintha nwere mmekọrịta chiri anya na Eze Ukwu Byzantium Justinian I, nke gaara eme ka ọ gbasoo mmụta na omenala ndị Rom karịsịa na ndị Goth ibe ya. Ọchịchị ahụ dịgidere ruo 534, mgbe Athalaric nwụrụ site na ihe nwere ike ịbụ njikọta nke ịṅụbiga mmanya ókè (akụkụ nke ọdịbendị Gothic) na ọrịa, ma eleghị anya ọrịa shuga.[5] Iji chekwaa ike na aha Amali, Amalasuintha mepụtara consortium regni nke nyere ya ohere ịga n'ihu na-achị dị ka eze nwanyị ka ọ ka na-egosi ihu ọha nke na-asọpụrụ ọdịnala Gothic. Mgbe ahụ, ọ họpụtara nwa nwanne ya nwoke nke okenye bụ Theodahad ka ọ chịa dị ka onye na-achị achị, ebe Amalasuintha ga-eme ka nwoke na Theodahad ga-eme nwanyị, dị ka ndị eze nwoke na nwanyị na-ekerịta ike.[6] Nwoke bụ isi ihe e ji mara Amalasuintha site na Procopius na Cassiodorus, n'ihi na o nwere mkpebi siri ike na obi ọjọọ.[6]

Enwere ike ịhụ mmetụta dị ukwuu ya n'ọnọdụ ya dị ka onye na-achị achị na diptych nke Rufius Gennadius Probus Orestes nke ọ pụtara n'akụkụ nwa ya nwoke, Athalaric, na 530.[7] N'ịbụ onye juputara na ọdịbendị Rom ochie, o nyere agụmakwụkwọ nwa ya nwoke ka mma na akwụkwọ karịa ka ọ dabara na ndị Goth ya. N'ịmara na ọ bụghị onye a ma ama, ọ chụpụrụ - ma mesịa gbuo - ndị isi Gothic atọ ọ na-enyo enyo na ha na-agba izu megide ọchịchị ya. N'otu oge ahụ, ya na Justinian malitere mkparịta ụka, na-ele anya iwepụ onwe ya na akụ Gothic na Constantinople.

Eze Nwanyị Na-achị


Mgbe Athalaric nwụsịrị, Amalasuintha ghọrọ eze nwanyị ma chịa naanị ya obere oge tupu ya emee nwa nwanne ya nwoke Theodahad ka ọ bụrụ onye na-achị ya na ebumnuche nke ime ka ọnọdụ ya sie ike. Theodahad bụ onye ndú a ma ama nke ndị agha Gothic nke na-emegide nguzo ya na-akwado ndị Rom, Amalasuintha kwenyere na duumvirate a nwere ike ime ka ndị na-akwado ya site na ndị nkatọ ya kachasị njọ.[7] Kama nke ahụ, Theodahad mere ka ndị Goth ghara inwe obi ụtọ, ma ọ bụ site na iwu ya ma ọ bụ ikike ya, a tụrụ Amalasuintha mkpọrọ n'àgwàetiti Martana na Lake Bolsena, ebe e gburu ya na 30 Eprel 535 n'oge ịsa ahụ ya.[8]



Ọnwụ nke Amalasuintha nyere Justinian I ihe mere ọ ga-eji gaa agha na ndị Ostrogoths ma gbalịa iweghara Ịtali. Dị ka onye Rom na-akọ akụkọ ihe mere eme nke Eastern Procopius si kwuo, Amalasuintha nọ na-eche echiche inyefe Italy n'aka Justinian n'oge ọ nwụrụ.[1] [peeji nke dị oke sara mbara] N’oge na-adịghị anya ka Amalasuintha gbuchara, Witigis, ọgọ nwoke Amalasuintha nọchiri anya Theodahad. Site ná nkwado ndị mmadụ, Witigis mere ka e gbuo Theodahad.[9]

Ebe e si nweta ya


Akwụkwọ ozi nke Cassiodorus, onye isi ndị ozi na onye ndụmọdụ edemede nke Amalasuintha, na akụkọ ihe mere eme nke Procopius na Jordanes, na-enye anyị ozi bụ isi gbasara omume Amalasuintha. Cassiodorus bụ akụkụ nke otu ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị Rom ka ukwuu nke chọrọ ime ka ọchịchị Ostrogothic omenala Romanize, ihe akaebe ọzọ nke ndị Rom na-akwado ndị Amalasuintha gbara onwe ya gburugburu..[10]

Ihe Nketa

Amalasiuntha regina - ihe osise sitere na Nuremberg Chronicle (1493)

E mere ndụ Amalasuintha isiokwu nke ọdachi, egwuregwu mbụ nke nwa okorobịa Carlo Goldoni dere ma gosipụta ya na Milan na 1733.[11]

Onye Romanian na-ede uri George Coșbuc dere uri akpọrọ Regina Ostrogotilor (Nwanyị nke Ostrogoths) nke Amalasuintha (dị ka Amalasunda) gwara Theodahad (nke a kpọtụrụ aha dị ka Teodat na uri ahụ) obere oge tupu ya egbuo ya.   [<span title="This reference citation appears to be to a self-published source. (August 2022)">self-published source</span>]

Honor Blackman gosipụtara Amalasuintha na ihe nkiri 1968 Kampf um Rom . A na-egbu ya n'ụlọ ịsa ahụ a kpọchiri akpọchi.   [<span title="The material near this tag may rely on an unreliable source. (August 2022)">unreliable source?</span>]

Aha nna


A na-akpọ Asteroid 650 Amalasuntha iji sọpụrụ ya. Ranunculus amalasuinthae bụ microspecies nke Ranunculus auricomus a maara na Pomerania, n'etiti ndị ọzọ site na ebe dị nso na ili nke ndị Goth dị nso na Grzybnica.[12][13]

Ihe odide

  1. 1.0 1.1 Jansen. Amalasuintha of Italy, "An Ill-Fated Gothic Queen". Retrieved on 2022-12-18.
  2. FamilyTreeDNA - Genetic Testing for Ancestry, Family History & Genealogy (en). Retrieved on 2022-12-18.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Vitiello (2014). Theohadad: A Platonic King at the Collapse of Ostrogothic Italy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 34. ISBN 978-1-4426-4783-1. 
  4. Vitiello (2006). ""Nourished at the Breast of Rome": The Queens of Ostrogothic Italy and the Education of the Roman Elite". Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 149 (3/4): 402. ISSN 0035-449X. 
  5. Frye (1995). "Athalaric's Health and the Ostrogothic Character". Byzantion 65 (1): 249–251. ISSN 0378-2506. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Vitiello (2017). Amalasuintha. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 23. ISBN 9780812249477. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 (January 2005) Amalasuntha. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-518792-2.  Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":0" defined multiple times with different content
  8. Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named EB1911
  9. Grierson (1941). "Election and Inheritance in Early Germanic Kingship". The Cambridge Historical Journal 7 (1): 1–22. DOI:10.1017/S1474691300003425. 
  10. Foote (2009). "Reviewed Work: Il principe, il filosofo, il guerriero: Lineamenti di pensiero politico nell'Italia ostrogota by Massimiliano Vitiell". Mediaevistik 22. 
  11. Vitiello (2017). Amalasuintha The Transformation of Queenship in the Post-Roman World. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 9780812249477. Retrieved on 7 September 2020. 
  12. Halamski (2024). "Contribution à l’étude des renoncules tête d’or (Ranunculus auricomus aggr.) de la Poméranie polonaise. Trois espèces nouvelles des environs de Darłowo et Sławno". Bulletin de la Societe linnéenne de Lyon 93 (7–8): 169–205. ISSN 2554-5280. 
  13. Ranunculus amalasuinthae | International Plant Names Index. Retrieved on 2024-10-23.