Akiko Kiso
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịJapan Dezie
aha n'asụsụ obodo木曽明子, きそ あきこ Dezie
aha enyereあきこ Dezie
name in kanaきそ あきこ Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya1936 Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụclassical scholar Dezie
onye were ọrụOsaka University Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọKyoto University Dezie

Akụkọ ndụ


[1] mụrụ Kiso na Manchuria n'afọ 1936. N'afọ 1987, ọ gụsịrị Ph.D. ya na Faculty of Letters, Mahadum Kyoto, na edemede akpọrọ The Dissipative Works of Sophocles . [2] bụbu nwa akwụkwọ nke Chiaki Matsudaira (jp). [1] Ruo 1997 ọ rụrụ ọrụ dị ka prọfesọ na Faculty of Liberal Arts na Mahadum Osaka. [1] họpụtara ya ka ọ bụrụ prọfesọ na Kitami Institute of Technology tupu ọ laa ezumike nká na 2002. [3]'otu afọ ahụ, ọ laghachiri na Mahadum Osaka dị ka Prọfesọ Emeritus . [1]

Akiko Kiso
mba o sịJapan  
aha n'asụsụ obodo木曽明子, きそ あきこ  
aha enyereあきこ  
name in kanaきそ あきこ  
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya1936  
ọrụ ọ na-arụclassical scholar  
onye were ọrụOsaka University  
ebe agụmakwụkwọKyoto University  

Onye ọkachamara na Sophocles, Kiso bụ onye ọkà mmụta Japan mbụ bipụtara ọrụ ya. [4] [5]'afọ 1984, Kiso bipụtara The Lost Sophocles, nke tụgharịrị iberibe ọrụ Sophocles furu efu. Ọ gụnyere iwughachi Epigoni na Tereus. Akwụkwọ ahụ kwukwara [6] ebe ọ bụ na Odysseus pụtara n'ọtụtụ iberibe egwuregwu furu efu, Sophocles ga-abụrịrị na ọ kwadoro ya dị ka onye a ga-ede. [7]Rebecca Futo Kennedy ekwuola maka ọrụ a gbasara Athena na ikpe ziri ezi. Justina Gregory kọwara [6] dị ka ọrụ nke "mepụtara ajụjụ ọhụrụ" banyere ojiji nke iberibe Sophoclean.

Ki[8] so Mae J. Smethurst rụkọọ ọrụ nke ọma, onye America na-amụ banyere akwụkwọ ọdịnala, nke mbụ sụgharịrị The Artistry of Aeschylus and Zeami na Japanese. [9]'ikpeazụ, ọ tụụrụ aro na Smethurst's Dramatic Action in Greek Tragedy and Noh: Reading with and Beyond Aristotle, yana ịsụgharị ya na Japanese. Ọrụ [8] jiri ụdị ihe nkiri Ọdachi ndị Gris tụnyere noh - ụdị ihe nkiri ịgba egwú ndị Japan.

Ọrụ ndị a họọrọ

  • Kiso, Akiko "From Tragedy to Comedy The Dramaturgy of Euripides' Ion." 西洋古典論集 14 (1996): 131-136.[10]
  • Kiso, Akiko "The Artistry of Aeschylus and Zeami: A Comparative Study of Greek Tragedy and No." The American Journal of Philology (1991): 552-555.[11]
  • The Lost Sophocles (New York: Vantage Press, 1984) [12]
  • Kiso, Akiko "Notes on Sophocles" Epigoni." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 18.3 (1977): 207-226.[13]
  • Kiso, Akiko "Sophocles, Aleadae: a Reconstruction." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 17.1 (1976): 5-21.[14]
  • Kiso, Akiko [15]"Sophocles'" Phaedra" na Phaedra nke "First Hippolytus"". Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 20 (1973): 22-36.

Ihe odide

  1. 1.0 1.1 古代文芸論集(ロンギノス/ディオニュシオス 戸高 和弘・木曽 明子 訳, 西洋古典叢書 G102)| 京都大学学術出版会 (ja). www.kyoto-up.or.jp. Retrieved on 2023-01-15.
  2. 木曽明子:「おお、ゼウスよ」. clsoc.jp. Retrieved on 2023-01-15.
  3. 木曽 明子. KAKEN. Retrieved on 2023-01-15.
  4. Van Looy (1987). "Akiko Kiso, The lost Sophocles". L'Antiquité Classique 56 (1): 314–315. 
  5. Euripides (1994). Sophocles: Fragments (in en). Harvard University Press, 2. ISBN 978-0-674-99532-1. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Gregory (1985). "Review of The Lost Sophocles; The Lost Sophocles". Phoenix 39 (4): 387–389. DOI:10.2307/1088404. ISSN 0031-8299. 
  7. Kennedy (2009). Athena's Justice: Athena, Athens and the Concept of Justice in Greek Tragedy (in en). Peter Lang, 68. ISBN 978-1-4331-0454-1. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 Remembering Mae J. Smethurst | University of Pittsburgh Japan Studies. www.japanstudies.pitt.edu. Retrieved on 2023-01-15.
  9. Smethurst (2013). Dramatic Action in Greek Tragedy and Noh: Reading with and Beyond Aristotle (in en). Rowman & Littlefield, ix. ISBN 978-0-7391-7242-1. 
  10. Kiso, Akiko. "From Tragedy to Comedy The Dramaturgy of Euripides' Ion." 西洋古典論集 14 (1996): 131-136.
  11. Kiso (1991). "Review of The Artistry of Aeschylus and Zeami: A Comparative Study of Greek Tragedy and No". The American Journal of Philology 112 (4): 552–555. DOI:10.2307/294936. ISSN 0002-9475. 
  12. Kiso (1984). The Lost Sophocles (in en). Vantage Press. ISBN 978-0-533-05902-7. 
  13. Kiso, Akiko. "Notes on Sophocles’ Epigoni." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 18.3 (1977): 207-226.
  14. Kiso, Akiko. "Sophocles, Aleadae: a Reconstruction." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 17.1 (1976): 5-21.
  15. Kiso (1973). "Sophocles' "Phaedra" and the Phaedra of the "First Hippolytus"". Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 20 (20): 22–36. DOI:10.1111/j.2041-5370.1973.tb00122.x. ISSN 0076-0730.