Ụlọ Egwuregwu Turbine

Templeeti:Infobox football club .Turbine Halle bụ klọb egwuregwu dabere na nkeji iri na ise nke Giebichenstein na obodo Halle na steeti Saxony-Anhalt nke ọwụwa anyanwụ German. Ebe ihe dị ka ndị otu 1,000 nọ na ngalaba maka egwu na ubi, bọọlụ mkpakọrịta, ịgba ọsọ, tenis table, fistball, aerobics, egwuregwu maka ndị nwere nkwarụ na mgbatị ahụ ọ bụ nke nnukwu klọb obodo.

Ụlọ ọgbakọ ahụ kemgbe ahụla ọtụtụ fusions na mgbanwe aha. SC Chemie Halle-Leuna bụbu ebe etiti obodo kacha mma na 18 Septemba 1954. Akụkụ buru ibu nke ngalaba bọọlụ BSG Turbine Halle, gụnyere ndị otu mbụ na ebe ya na DDR-Oberliga, bụ ndị e zigara na klọb egwuregwu SC Chemie. Halle-Leuna na Nọvemba 1954. E mechara kewapụ ngalaba egwuregwu bọọlụ na otu egwuregwu wee hazie ya dị ka klọb bọọlụ Hallescher FC taa. Klọb a na-ekwusi ike na akụkọ ịgba bọọlụ nke Turbine ruo 1954.

Wacker Halle, dị ka a na-akpọkarị klọb ahụ, meriri mpaghara Saale - aha ya bụ osimiri Saale - nke asọmpi Central German ugboro iri na abụọ n'etiti 1910 na mbipụta ikpeazụ ya 1933. A ga-ewere ihe a niile dịka asọmpi nke otu n'ime ọtụtụ German mbụ. nkewa. Ndị isi mgba ebe a bụ Hallescher FC na n'ókè dị nta Borussia Halle, Sportfreunde Halle na SV Halle 98.

After World War II Wacker Halle was dissolved, like all German clubs, and in 1946 SG Halle-Glaucha (SG stands for "sports community", Glaucha is an inner neighbourhood) was formed. In 1948 the new club was renamed into SG Freiimfelde Halle, Freiimfelde being an inner eastern district. In April 1949 the footballers of Freiimfelde, after having won the championship of Saxony-Anhalt, joined ZSG Union Halle, the Central Sports Community of the People-Owned Enterprises of Halle. The team from Halle reached the final of the Soviet zone, winning the 1949 Championship of the Eastern Zone with a 4–1 victory over SG Fortuna Erfurt in front of 50,000 in the Ostragehege stadium of Dresden.