Isi ndekọ ọha
Jikọtara ngosi nke ndekọ niile dị Wikipedia. Ị nwere ike imebi echiche site na ịhọrọ ụdị ndekọ, aha njirimara (nke na-emetụta ikpe), ma ọ bụ ibe emetụtara (nwekwara mmetụta gbasara ikpe).
- 23:03, 16 Disemba 2023 Siiuu07 ṅkátá mmetara created page Iko Mba Afrịka nke 2021 (Created by translating the opening section from the page "2021 Africa Cup of Nations") Tags: ḿmezi m̀pàn'aka Ndezi web nke mbugharị NtụgharịNkebi NtụgharịNkebi
- 04:44, 9 Disemba 2023 Siiuu07 ṅkátá mmetara created page Luis Suárez (Created by translating the opening section from the page "Luis Suárez") Tags: ḿmezi m̀pàn'aka Ndezi web nke mbugharị NtụgharịNkebi NtụgharịNkebi
- 14:33, 7 Disemba 2023 Siiuu07 ṅkátá mmetara created page Neymar (Created by translating the opening section from the page "Neymar") Tags: ḿmezi m̀pàn'aka Ndezi web nke mbugharị NtụgharịNkebi NtụgharịNkebi
- 14:39, 28 Maachị 2023 Siiuu07 ṅkátá mmetara created page Getaneh Kebede (Created by translating the opening section from the page "Getaneh Kebede") Tags: ḿmezi m̀pàn'aka Ndezi web nke mbugharị NtụgharịNkebi NtụgharịNkebi
- 02:52, 7 Maachị 2023 User account Siiuu07 ṅkátá mmetara was created automatically