Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/StigBot

Bot flag for StigBot dezie

I hereby request botflag on this wiki for my bot StigBot.

  • Owner’s account: Stigmj (talk)
  • Bot account: StigBot (contribssulmakebot@meta )
  • Function: mainly interwiki, but can be used in user-namespace for adding userpages etc. on request from the affected users.
  • Software: Pywikipedia, updated from SVN before each run.
  • Other: Runs manually initiated automatic supervised and sometimes entirely manual. Already has bot flag on: ar, bpy, en, eo, fr, no, oc, pt, ro and vo.

Best regards, Stigmj 12:41, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

  Oppose, please pay attention to the bot quota on Wikipedia:Bots - There are currently two bots waiting for approval on meta, and if they are approved they will fill up the bot quota, meaning that your bot might not be allowed to run. I recommend that you request another time or wait for old inactive bots to be debotted. - Kerowren 20:47, 25 June 2008 (UTC)